K Deficiency? Need other opinions

Opened up the tent after work today to this.

At this point would it be safe to say that that’s a magnesium deficiency? Here she is

Yellowing of the lower leaves in late flower is pretty normal.

Some of the pics do show some hints of mag deficiency. You could add Epsom salt to the next watering. It’s better than cal-mag which frequently has nitrogen (which you don’t want in later flowering).

Honestly, I don’t see pics of plants that need a final flush. Most of the pics look more than a month from harvest. Am I missing something?

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He hadn’t done a PROPER flush yet, and he’s using Fox Farms. Fox Farms has flushes built into their feeding regimen.

Please feel free to read through the thread to see why flushing was explained.

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they’re only week 3 of flower The smallest plant has about 5% Amber trichs already with about 80% being cloudy And a few are still clear . And leaves at the top are starting to yellow. She was stunted very early on So it makes sense that she’s completing her life cycle early. She’s not having any problems. It’s the other two that will go for another month or so still. Only one is showing the signs of mag def.

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This is the little girl closer to harvest

Still progressing today. More leaves effected. Took the advise and fed her an Epsom salt solution today so hopefully that will help.
I feel super bad for her :cry: I’m not even worried about my yeild so much. I just want to see these beautiful flowers thrive.

Hopefully you pH adjusted before adding. Epsom salts are normally around pH8 without adjustment.

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I did. It was at 7.6 adjusted to 6.3

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Only bad thing is my ppm meter is still on the way so I hope it wasn’t too high

Ppm meter just came in. Tested the nutrient solution ive been giving, and it read 500. Isn’t this low for flowering? Should I add more food? The solution tested had 3/4 strength of big bloom and tiger bloom in a gallon of water with 4ml of Cal mag.

You need to measure the PPM of your runoff. Yes 500 is low, but if the soil already has excess nutrient you still could be over feeding. Most nutes have Cal/Mg in the mix so it doesn’t need to be added extraneously.

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Right. didn’t even think of that ty!. So basically while I’m only feeding at a PPM of 500 what’s in the soil could be much higher causing a lockout? Ill have to wait another day to get a good run off test for her seeing as how I just flushed her yesterday and I don’t want to over water.

I think the signs of deficiency are slowing down. there was about a 3 day. Where I watched it progress, and since I added the Epsom salt solution, the progression of chlorosis between the veins of new leaves is slow compared to how rapidly the leaves were changing before. Although still there. Think I’m on the right track. should I pick off the affected leaves or leave them until they fall off by themselves? This forum is so great! Thanks everyone!

I just wait until they’re fully yellow and can be pulled down and off.

If they bother you though, just cut them off.


getting fat

Update. Her deficiency followed her through flowering. Looks like she will produce less because of it, but I’ll definitely still get some good Bud from her. Learning process! I’ll know for next time

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Smallest girl came down today.


Beautiful bud

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It’s a little late but here are harvest pics!


What was your wet/dry yield if I can ask. My plants loos similar in size