It’s better if no one knows. I’m a proper secret squirrel when it comes to my business. I instinctively lie but not in a malicious way then because of my broken brain I trip myself up , so I find myself having to improvise and roll with things as well . We have a saying here, “what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve for”
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@IceSheets I had to do the same. Came home one night to find a delivery guy had left a parcel in my greenhouse. I had 5 blueberry that were the same height as me growing in among my vine tomatoes. I had to move them all that night. My wife thought it was hilarious as I was wandering around, in my dressing gown, in the dark trying to lug these big plants to their new home. I don’t have any neighbour’s so I was lucky
I wonder how many Saunas they come across lately …lol