I think I just messaged you.
Still no taproot. Thinking about breaking out the warmer haha. The garage gets too hot
Haha hopefully tonight is the night! Worst case I’ll break out the warmer. Last time I sprouted it took almost a week.
Well, I’m glad I checked on the unborn baby…there was mold in the paper towel so I swapped it out. Nothing directly touching the seed. I should be GTG right?
Green - mold
Red - seed imprint
No sprouts either
ETA: I used a different paper towel and new water source. Never had that happen before…
Switched to hydrogen peroxide mix, hopefully that helps …
Man, this is one tough but to crack! She doesn’t want to pop. 24 hrs soak in h202 H20 mix, no luck. Looking like I’ll bust out the heating mat and see if that does it.
Well, after the 24hr soak I’ll pop here back in the rig that has worked in the past for me. I had seeds that didn’t germ for 6 days, threw it on the heater and germed in 24 hrs.
Almost time for soil, hey @Graysin you’ll have to send me one of them cows! Mooo, mooo. My wife would love that! Hahah
@borialis you still growing? Ended.uo running into some of your old threads…
they’re probably my favorite. I made some lion cubs too but I didn’t actually get them fitted for downstems yet. The prototype looks like he’s seen some sh!t.
perfect hole just big enough for a nice doobie to sit in the mouth, thats incredible aha!
Welp, transplanted this ole girl into a 1 gal pot today… gonna let her catch up to the other i have going and then ill flip her 18/6 instead of 24…
I ended up putting mine in soil last night still have her on the warmer. Once she pops through I’ll post pics! Finally getting somewhere though, I was a little.nervous it wasn’t going to germ🤣
Tent is sanitized and ready to roll. Just have to let her dry over night and I’ll pop the young one in there tomorrow night and start hitting it with real light so it doesn’t get super stretchy.
She’s officially in the tent this morning! Got DLI set to 12 right now on 24 hr cycle. Going to check her in a few days and make sure she’s not leggy.
This is going to be a fun thread to follow!