Jewel's is growing autoflowers again. This time its Jack Herer~Bubble Gum~ Northern Lights~Amnesia Haze look

She sure looks better huh…I think you have it figured out too lol. And yes that was funny of Betty and I ran out of likes on your post so instead heres this




Spiders are our friends. They eat those bad guys. Just no spider mites… which aren’t really spiders, but anyway spiders mites can all die! Ok? Sheriff :v::green_heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m gonna celebrate your birthday with another peanut butter cup and several more bong hits :+1: I’m a little goofy now and I’m about to get goofier…is that a word :thinking:


I hoped you wouldnt think I aimed that at you lol…I was just sharing a funny from fb cause I’m out of likes for 10 hours :grin:




Happy Birthday :birthday::clinking_glasses::leaves::boom::seedling::hotsprings:


It’s now 420 … cheers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Eff the spi spi, mofo.


Dang, I’m sure slow with the updates

The 2 good girls in soil are growing fast and chasing the light. I’ve had to raise the light an inch or 2 daily. They’re getting water, feed, feed, water. fox farm nutes and schedule at 1/2 strength and cal mag at 2ml/gallon, PPM’s 950. Well water PPM’s included. They had there week 5 scheduled sledgehammer flush…:thinking: Sunday? Or maybe Monday…my notes are in the grow room and I’m to lazy to go look. Regardless, they’re flushed and still damp.

I keep forgetting to show you guys my weirdo branch at the first set of nodes on the Blue Dream’Matic. She has 2 branches fused together that then branch into 2 and another 3rd branch coming from that split. Pretty cool but a new one for me.

The opposite branch also branches apart at the distal end but doesn’t have that fused appearance prior to the split Also there are no axillary buds at the node sites…weird huh?

The rest of Blue Dream’Matic, she’s a beauty.

Here’s Black Sugar Rose, also a beauty. She’s my squatty, bushy girl :heart_eyes: thanks again for the wonderful opportunity to grow her @Haildamaged and both girls @blackthumbbetty

Those above 2 girls keep me from fretting over OG Kush in DWC.
OG Kush is very hungry. My nutes should be here today. I’m pretty sure that megacrop was the culprit, along with my expired hydrogaurd. She’s been in 1/2 well water, 1/2 RO water with H2O2 15ml/gallon. Every other day I give her roots and hydroten a good soak for an hour in H2O2 30ml/gallon. Then I give her roots and hydroten a good rinse off and return her to fresh clean reservoir. She just finished her soak. I’ll be thrilled when I can get her in some nutes later today.
I’ll be giving her Sierra Natural Science perfect mix nutes. I ordered the free sample. $7 shipping

And here’s the OG Kush

And her much improved roots

And there ya have it marijuana fans. That’s what’s up in Jewel’s grow tent.
Oh crap, almost forgot

I have a sprouts soaking for a tea. I’ve read a lot on sprout tea in the past and recently I’ve returned to reading about it. I grow sprouts anyway for my salads and stir fries. I can surely share with my soil girls and I plan to water seedlings with some. I am ready to drop 3 photos. I can’t decide which one’s :thinking: well I definitely wanna drop an Acid rain @Budbrother @RAP
Also, I am going to need more Bergman’s Gold Leaf because I really, really love it. The flavor and buzz is so wonderful. The 3rd seed is where I’m having trouble deciding. I think I have it narrowed down to Cherries Jubilee @Bubblehead or Bubba’s Gift @Mote… decisions, decisions :grin:.

Have a spectacular day everyone…oh I have toilet paper for sale, $5 a roll…I’m just kidding :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Stay healthy friends :v::green_heart:


Uh, you may be growing the coronavirus

Which way are you leaning on the third seed?

And stop calling me shirley :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Ok sheriff, I surely will :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Oh, kinda leaning towards cherries jubilee


Blue dream straight up looks like she’s giving birth to a small tree :joy:…in the second picture from the Dr’s perspective… LMAO


:joy: your right @LoCoRock she does. I’ve never seen such a thing. I like it though.


Just wait til you taste her.


I’m leaning towards cheyyr jubal too so mote can just wait lol


Oh I’m sure @Mote doesn’t mind @Gremmall He gifted it to me and I’m sure he knows, eventually they will both get planted :grin:

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NOw that’s a hot commodity :rofl:

Girls looking great, especially that SBR, so pretty & lush. Glad you got the root issue sorted out :+1:
Cant help you w your seed decisions but I can do this…


I have unlimited free toilet paper lmao.

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Lucky you, the stores around me are cleaned out. I just needed enough for the next week because I was down to 1 roll. I got lucky and found some thankfully. You could get rich on that TP @CoyoteCody :joy:

It’s all cheap 1 ply I would try my hardest not to use it, but that is the joy of working at a hotel I guess lol. Hope things get better there, cant wait for this to all be a distant memory.

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My wife ordered a case from zon and I think we just got another one :joy:
Things are getting a little freaky around here, some schools are closing, a bus driver had it so…I dont like the sound of this one bit though, not at all!


Least we got some Potchky!