Its dropping into the mid 40s at night

Its starting to get chilly here are my purple haze going to be ok they are outside and flowering but they are not there yet will they be ok in the mid 40s at night

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Welcome to the forum!

Do you have any pictures? How long has your plant been flowering?


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They have been flowering a few weeks now some are bigger than others

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Gotta give them photos time to load individual, then the next and so on :metal:t2::green_heart:

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Is the cold weather gonna stop the grow before its done

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Its only supposed to last for a night or two then bounce back up


She looks pretty young in flower, it may slow things down some. Less final weight than in ideal conditions, but as long as it stays above freezing you should be able to pull a harvest.

If it’s only a short period, I wouldn’t worry.


Agreed. The plant is in ground and ground temperature won’t drop as fast as air temperature, should be fine on short term. If you start getting into frost and/or long durations of cold weather you’ll probably have problems.


Try to keep some hay on hand and the days you know it’s going to be cold lay it on in the day before night time.

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Get up in the morning and shake it like your …
Knock the dew off if it’s there.
We have a super heavy dew every morning and I’m not use to that. But if I don’t shake my flowers every morning i will get bud rot.
Read around here someone using a leaf blower :exploding_head: another reason I need a cordless or gas one :green_heart::metal:t2: