ISO Mr. Canucks

*disclaimer: I worry about people I don’t even know. I even made a career out of it (nurse) :rofl: *

High thought: what do you think happened to Mr. Canucks Grow? Did he die? Did he go to some remote prison in the northern Canadian isle of St. Bernard? Did he accidentally knock up an anti-cannabis sea wench who has him and his baby locked away from his followers??? Inquiring, stoned minds need to know!


It’s only been 3 weeks since he posted a vid. Lots of other channels are using much of his info, like, directly quoting his videos basically. Maybe something to do with that.

On YouTube or somewhere else? I’m on his Patreon and some folks are pissed because it’s been nearly 2 years since he’s posted. I’m still trying to absorb all that info so I’m not mad.

I personally enjoy watching his videos but I know some other people say he’s a brand pusher and thats the only reason he made the videos. Between him and Bruce bugbee thats where I started learning then I came here

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He had one three weeks ago on YouTube. It was 2 months before that.

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I really like his videos and I think I’m too new to the “grow scene” or whatevs to know brand pushing when I see it. I did, however, just cancel my membership to Green Box Grown because I saw no real added benefit. Like there was no contacting him and everything was from over a year ago. I’m getting WAY more help from you fine folks.


wtf… I swear when I clicked on his channel yesterday the last video was months and months ago… backs away from the bong

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Yeah I just get help on here. I think a lot of people don’t realize the amount of info at your fingertips with this website and you can just use the search bar it doesn’t get much easier. That being said I was also on his patreon page and never saw any activity so canceled the next month. All his videos are on YouTube and he doesn’t post much different videos up for that patreon


I think you’re talking about the guy from seed to stoned. Mr Canuck grows has been putting videos up :100:

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What i want to know what happened to from seed to stoned you tube channel


Canucks still on YouTube putting videos up he got jack lol. He post on IG also

@krismwright @Aussie_autos good call! It’s the StS guy. He’s vanished…:alien:


The reason I knew is I was thinking the exact same thing the other day LOL he’s probably doing something besides YouTube or something :man_shrugging:

If you accidentally stumble across this post, no worries everyone, it appears Mr. Canucks is still posting frequently on his youtube channel.

That said, if you need any help when growing marijuana, you can also check out our guides about growing indoors and growing outdoors.