Looks environmental. Like they are having a hard time transpiring. What are you room conditions
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Here ya go.
Strain; Type, Bag Seed, Or Na
Soil In Pots, Hydroponic, Or Coco?
System Type?
Ph Of Runoff Or Solution In Reservoir?
What Is Strength Of Nutrient Mix? Ec, Or Tds
Indoor Or Outdoor
Light System, Size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation System; Yes, No, Size
Ac, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Add Anything Else You Feel Would Help Us Give You A Most Informed Answer. Feel Free To Elaborate. Clear pictures in natural or white light helps a lot.
Happy. Growing
1 is Super skunk auto from ilgm, the other one I was told is charlie sheen but I traded for the seed and cannot be sure of the genetics, growing in sohum and pro mix under the electric sky 180 v3 on a 20 and 4 schedule in 5 gallon fabric pots, i amended all 3 pots with earth dust boost when i saw the first signs of preflower and have used tps organic cal mag 3 times and have been using lactobasilis every other watering since the beginning of preflower and they are in the middle of week 9 since sprouting.
I ph my feed water to 6.3 soil ph stays at 7 according to my digital 3 way soil test meter, they are growing in a 2x4 cloud lab tent with a 4 inch ac infinity exhaust fan and charcoal filter 2x6" clip fans and a small electric heater I set up outside the tent that is controlled by a bn link digital electronic temp controller, average temp 76° f and average rh 55%. I popped 3 beans at the same time 1 super silver haze, 1 super skunk, and the charlee sheen, the haze is doing great showed signs of preflower first and is progressing very well while the other 2 seem like they have just locked up are going down hill.
is this a PH/TDS meter or one of those green meters with the long silver prong? If the latter those are really inaccurate and I wouldn’t use it. Is the medium you mentioned soil or coco? That will determine your in going PH for water and nutrients. Most plant issues can be related to incorrect PH
I’m using Sohum living soil mixed. According to the instructions on the bag, with pro mix potting soil. The Sohum living soil is engineered for growing cannabis.
I would stick with the PH and TDS instruments and not use those pronged meters. Extremely unreliable
1 is Super skunk auto from ilgm, the other one I was told is charlie sheen but I traded for the seed and cannot be sure of the genetics, growing in sohum and pro mix under the electric sky 180 v3 on a 20 and 4 schedule in 5 gallon fabric pots, i amended all 3 pots with earth dust boost when i saw the first signs of preflower and have used tps organic cal mag 3 times and have been using lactobasilis every other watering since the beginning of preflower and they are in the middle of week 9 since sprouting. Sorry week 10 since sprouting.
I’m using Sohum living soil mixed. According to the instructions on the bag, with pro mix potting soil. The Sohum living soil is engineered for growing cannabis.
I ph my feed water to 6.3 soil ph stays at 7 according to my digital 3 way soil test meter, they are growing in a 2x4 cloud lab tent with a 4 inch ac infinity exhaust fan and charcoal filter 2x6" clip fans and a small electric heater I set up outside the tent that is controlled by a bn link digital electronic temp controller, average temp 76° f and average rh 55%. I popped 3 beans at the same time 1 super silver haze, 1 super skunk, and the charlee sheen, the haze is doing great showed signs of preflower first and is progressing very well while the other 2 seem like they have just locked up and are going down hill.
I thought environmental as well but the haze is still doing great in there?
Super silver haze on the left, super skunk on the right and charlie in the middle.
I forgot about the other two lights I put in there until I looked at this picture, they are just some cheap worklight reflectors with a couple of led bulbs I picked up at menards I believe they are 9 watts but not positive.