@Docnraq @MeEasy @Covertgrower
What’s going o
COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)
-What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto)
-Age of plant
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
-Vessels: Type and capacity of container (fabric, plastic, etc)
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
-Method used to measure PH and TDS
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space
-Light system List brand and wattage/spectrum
-Actual wattage draw of lights
-Current Light Schedule
-Temps; Day, Night
-Humidity; Day, Night
-Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
-Co2; Yes, No
ou can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)
-What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed (photo or auto) idk. I believe is an auto I was gifted the seeds to practice
-Age of plant day58(week9)
-Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
-Vessels: Type and capacity of container (fabric, plastic, etc) organic fox farms mixed with earth dust
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable) have them idk how to use them
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable earth dust only
-Method used to measure PH and TDS
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space indoor tent 24x24x48 I ordered bigger tent tho
-Light system List brand and wattage/spectrum Amazon brand 80$ 1000 watt similarity to a blurpiee I know I will upgrade once a get the hang a lil bit
-Actual wattage draw of lights N/A
-Current Light Schedule18/6 but. I relished the timer switch. Was not on switcher so the lights never went off for 3days
-Temps; Day, Night
-Humidity; Day, Night says comfortable on meter
-Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size (yes not sure what size )
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, yea but don’t run it tent to small that’s y I ordered a bigger one
-Co2; Yes, No(what’s that)
Also fabric grow bags for vessel
Sorry took so long to get back to ya,
This will help with that.
Co2 is carbon dioxide plants take in Co2 in order to photosynthesize. In some growing methods you would seal off your growspace air tight and flood the room with co2 and double even tripple the light power. The co2 allows the plant to take in all the extra light. An advanced grow method to be sure. Dangerous if not done right.
Seeing a couple things with your plants.
Picture 1,2, and 3 looks like overwater to me (@Covertgrower better leaf diagnostic than I, wait for his reply)
Overwater can cause nute burning apperance
Picture 3 has what looks like bug damage. I zoomed up on it so you can see what I mean. I would get out a magnifier and start looking under the leaves for bugs and/or eggs. If they are there or not would be wise to lay down some food grade DE pictured bellow. A tblsp spread out and scratched into the top soil is good for killing bug larvae and is a source of silica for plants. Beware its light as air so a swift sigh will send it flying.
When you did your initial mix of soil, was the soil new ? And did you mix in the full recommend dose ? Or a reduced amount because the soil was already amended with nutrients?
Have you top dressed them since planting them?
Have you allowed the soil to dry at any point?
The reason I ask all is because
To me it looks more like nutrient burn which goes with feeding a full dose of base to new happy frog soil
I apologize for not answering before, I’m in the middle of my C treatments and I easily get off track. I just didn’t catch the issue
Thanx for explaining will definitely look into it and set up a tent with bigger space. Nd watch the watering. Also. Cause my tight be sucked. Really tight in when I Ip it up I was thinking the ventilation system
I sneezed on a heaping tablespoon and it looked like when you drop a open bag of flour in the floor when baking. Once its in your topsoil it will stick to everything in there. Replace every 3 or so waterings. Great organic way to fend of soil bugs.
Also good for your stomach bacteria and such, check it out.
Right because of the earth dust, yeah?
Gotta try me some of that!
If you are using soil that is already amended with nutrients you can only add a little food or it will become to hot. Even if you are feeding synthetic nutes you would feed lightly for the first month, some growers won’t feed at all for the 1st month
TGSC puts it in their instructions now but they haven’t put it on the bag yet
Ok thanx guys that’s what I was thinking Ite burn I did what the bag said but I only let the soil cook about a week in a big pot alone then added it to the soil. Because I didn’t want to transplant it I’m thinking nute and lights stayed on to long hope it bounces back still learning first grow. So judge me guys
No judgement here, even after my 3rd grow I made some serious mistakes.
Ive been doing this a long time and still never had that perfect run. If it was easy no dispensaries would exist. Why we all strive for perfection!
The soil should calm down and do good happy growing
Hope so will update u guys in a 2weeks thanks all
12-18 inches standard hanging heights. Start at say 15 inches. Hold your hand at canopy height for 30 seconds if its to warm for you to keep your hand there, then its too hot for your plant. You cannalso look to the tops of your leaves, if they start bleaching white then light is too close. It will look like this.
How don know when ready
Your gonna need a stronger magnifier. I have both a jewlers loup and a usb microscope.
Avg flowering time for cannabis (both autos and photos) is 8-10+ weeks. Growth cycle for autos USUALLY goes
1 week germ
1 werk seedling
2-3 weeks vegging
7-10 days transition from veg to flower
8-10 weeks flowering time.
None of that is set in stone. Photos the same except for 2 things. 1) they veg as long as you want them too and 2) your light cycle must be changed to 12 on and 12 to initiate the transition.
Your plant, im guessing, is about 2 or 3 weeks flowering, so I guestimate you have 6-7+ weeks still to go.
Does that make sense?