This stuff works good for gnats…put a capful into a gallon of water and let it soak for an hour or so then water the plants with it…
If theyre fungus gnats they shouldnt do any real harm to your plants as they feed on decaying matter in the soil. They’re pesky though and in large bumbers can cause problems… When I had them, i believe it was because i used to way over water. I used some neem oil in the soil and toned down the watering. My plants didnt show the signs of overwatering but my soil staying wet constantly gave the gnats a perfect breeding ground. Ive seen folks have success with those skeeter bits like @Pinboy posted too.
From what I’ve read the larva can mess your stuff up…I could be wrong but the larva feed on or damage the root system. The yellow sticky traps work good on adults but the mosquito bits wipe out the larva under the surface of the soil.
That could very well be true…
Edit: you are absolutely correct…
My opinion is no bugs are good bugs… even “good bugs” die and draw other bugs…
Update got thr humidity down some and it also seems like the defoliation helped some , I have some yellow traps in there they seem to be working great , how long do the skittles auto and white widow usually flower for these have been flowing for about 2 weeks and 3 days now
I use yellow sticky traps. Good stuff.
We’re on day 52 from seed now just watered tonight the tricones are starting to be slightly visible now !! White widow auto and skittles auto Uploading: 20211011_230752.jpg…
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Great job those ladies look amazing
And there on about day 10 or 11 of flower I think
They look happy n healthy to me
Looking green and healthy
Lookin good
Nice job. They look good
Very nice im doin a white widow auto aswell
This plant is about two to three weeks old and have a look how thick the stem is already
Those look awesome some fat ones for sure