- Is this a Nitrogen deficiency?

Bagseeds from medical JesusOG
2 gal pot with a lot of drainage
Ff Ocean soil
Ff nutes - big bloom, grow big, and Tiger Bloom
Epsom salt for calmag
82f daytime temp
72f night
About 40% humidity
LED lights 14 inches away with other supplemental lights around sides
No CO2 and one other fan inside blowing on them.
In a cabinet 2’x3’x5’
Topped and mild training.


Upload a pic growmie

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Sorry forgot to upload it


Thats looks to be more of a mag deficiency. Do you have any cal/mag?


Looks like sulfur deficiency

How old is the plant?

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Week 5 of veg. Using Epsom salts for calmag.

They are a yellowgreen with dark green veins seem to be not sitting down like I think they should (possibly turning ends of leaves on only new growth (right now anyway).

I’m still a newbie this is my 3rd grow and 2nd In This closet and the first time was autoflower . Still trying to figure out how much of what I can give them. Well actually the Total amount I get but do I give bb, gb, tb and calmag together or what. I have been giving a good solid only water once a week. For the majority of the watering \ feedings I have been doing calmag by itself, the ff nutes then a just water or in some order of those.


Welcome to the community Growmie. How are you measuring the nutrient solution PPMs and PH? Are you checking the run off of these 2 as well? Plastic pots hold water/moisture longer than fabric bags so make sure there’s enough drain holes in the bottom of those :love_you_gesture:

Aare you using that bottled water to water the plants?

Not checking run off… For what exactly?

Just quick update I gave more Tiger Bloom yesterday and today I am seeing the green come back a little to the leaves but afraid to give to much from all I’ve heard about FF and ease of over doing it.
I’m still super new, always using bottled non enriched water.
Use normal feeding ratios with all ff nutes and do a teaspoon Epsom per liter of water.
Water and nutes mixed into 1.5 or 2 liter bottles and stored in between outside cabinet (so room temp about 70f - 75f)
The cab has been getting warmer and more humid from change in outside weather so last 2 days it’s been a fight but I’m ending up with about 80f with 50-52% humidity.
I feel like that’s gonna end badly since if left unattended the past few days humidity would have rose over 65-70 n who knows where the temp would have ended up.

To see the amount of nutrients in the soil and the PH. Do you have a PH and TDS to check the input of the FF nutrients as well as the PMMs (parts per million) it’s at the top of the FF feed schedule. I ask if you tested either because you could be over feeding and if the PH isn’t in range the roots wont absorb the nutrients you’re putting in :love_you_gesture:

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Gotcha was assuming it to be in range starting with the bottled but, you know… Assuming… Anyway; :sweat_smile: ok so I get that and this mistake won’t be continuing but about checking the run off… What why how?
I’m trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can.

Mediums used to grow cannabis have specific PH ranges and sweet spot, Soil has a range of 6.3-6.8 with 6.5 being optimum, coco is 5.8-6.2 with 6.0 being ideal. A PH pen is used to check the nutrient solution after mixing and adjusted to the optimum targets. I use a Blue Lab or an Apera 20 for this. PPPms are parts per million of total dissolved solids and the method used to check the strength of the mixed nutrients. Cannabis thrives in the range of 900-1000 PPMS. I use a Blue Lab TDS pen for this. Once you top feed the nutrients you want approximately 20% of what you put in to run out the bottom (run off) catch a sample of this after about a cup has come out and test the PH and PPMS. This run off testing let’s you know how much nutrients are in the medium and the PH. When you start with an amended medium as in it comes with preloaded nutrients, a water feed only at the desired PH is all that is needed for several weeks and around week 4 or if the plant has at least 4 nodes it’s ready for run off testing. Feed when the PPMs are around 800-900 to the target I mentioned above and continue feeding at this rate on feed days. Soil likes a drench to drought routine so feed days could 3-5 days depending on the vessel size. Some days will be water only if the run off PPMs are considerably higher than the input. :love_you_gesture:.

The FF trio is heavy in salts and liberal run off helps rinse these that accumulate in the root zone helping keep it healthy. Without the run off this will accumulate and push the PPMs super high and tank the PH. Periodic flushes are recommended for the FF nutrients :love_you_gesture:

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