Is this a male plant? Just checking

I just wanted to ask if I have a male plant here or not.

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Need to see from the other angle. Quarter turn either way to be able to tell.


I’ll get a few better pics posted here shortly.

We need to see the node. Right now is the side view. We need the view that makes the plant look like a “W”. Those leaf things in the pic are normal for all cannabis plants.

Here is a link to a pic that shows you. Looking for 2 white pistels coming out of base of the internodal growth.

Here’s another view.

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I’ve got another plant with the same tips branching out.


The pics I liked are the view we need to see. Your plant isn’t showing signs of sex yet. Right next to that leaf thing at the base of where they connect are where the male and female sex shows. You just have your standard green pistels for now. Here is what you are looking for. Look at the bottom point where the “V” meets the stem. See the 2 white hairs, that means female.

Close up.

I see what your pointing out there. So sounds like I need to wait and see. I’ll keep my fingers crossed on a few plants I have.
I appreciate your replies as well.

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Anytime, we are all here to give help and receive even more.

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Female congrats
It’s out of focus but I see a pistil


Just my luck. I’ll see if I can find a better shot of that.

Nice eye brotha!

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It’s way to early to even try to guess, give it more time it mite just be a female wouldn’t that be exciting .


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Your right, there’s a thin hair there.

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It’s a girl!!!

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