This is a white widow autoflower from ILGM. She is on day 31. Does she look like she is in pre flower? Thank you.
This is my opinion only. When autos preflower they start flowering too. So if there’s pistils on every branch now you have 50-60 days to chop. My opinion only
Yes she’s making more leaves at the tops of the branches. Starting to do the stretch. Should see a bit if explosive growth.
Mows the time to increase light by turning up power moving closer to your canopy.
Would love better closeup.
I really hope not. I got the fermionized autos to avoid males. I will get some better close ups.
Both parts….hermaphrodite. Clip the balls
Latenight is right. Herm. Pistils and male flowers. Autos are more prone to do this. Any little stressor and some turn. Each plant will be more or less prone and some strains are more tolerant. If you can perhaps switch to photo period. Much easier to grow, more stable too. Switching the light schedule is no big deal. Just have to find a spot where you can give them 12hrs dark.
Very interesting