@Countryboyjvd1971 Not sure!?! I was lucky enough to find the send in my meds! Did a flush this morning, Thinking about harvesting tomorrow?
Looks nice either way lol
Bonus beans are nice as long as the buds arent full of them hahaha
Thanks man! I’m trying my best!!
Hey, Can you take a clone from a flowering plant? I tried to clone her in veg several times but she wouldn’t take…
You can take a clone from a flowering plant the technique is called monster cropping
Tou can do a search on here to read up about it
Basically you take a clone and revert it back to veg
This takes a few weeks to do but once you get it rooted they grow monsters as the name implies lol
You seem to be doing a great job my friend
Or should Iwait longer??
The Anticipation is killing me!
Judging by tour last picture you are close i like around 20% amber in my tricombes
I cant really tell tou what youll like
Do you have a loupe or pocket microscope? Because that’s the final determinant. Around 80% turned pistils simply alerts you to the fact that it’s getting close.
It would probably be a good idea to run water only for at least a week to attenuate any residual nutrients present in your plant. It will definitely make your cured harvest more pleasant.
The thing is you could harvest now and get good results but that last 2 weeks sees amazing bud growth.
Really @Myfriendis410 brings uo a goid piint best wayvti tell is buy looking at tbem under magnification
60x or better works best imo
Thanks! It says 9-10 weeks flowering
& tomorrow is day 50- week 8…
Well with this strain my goal is medical!
She’s a hybrid with a Indica lean…
Depending on conditions and nutes they can finish early. There’s a characteristic look to the buds when they’ve bulked up: they will be lumpy with bud “stacks” protruding out of the cola. It’s pretty distinctive. PK boosters can cause your plant to finish early for example.
So the buds look like they need to fill out more? Iwas following the Foxfarm feeding plan with Foxfarm dirt
Can you take a picture of an entire cola in natural light?
Fox Farms is good stuff and will give you a good smoke but they’re a little aggressive on their nutes IMO and the schedule is only a guideline. There are things that you can do to slow down the finish, which can help with bulking up as well. I’m not saying that you need to do that.
Plants look beautiful! One thing I’d like to add to the others… as long as you’re seeing white pistils she’s still putting on some weight. I didn’t see many in that top, but still looks to be quite a few on some of the lowers. If the trichs aren’t going amber yet leaving it will reward you in more weight. Getting a close look under magnification like the others have suggested should tell you everything you need to know.
Natural light is better but you are close. I think I’d be on a water diet after a flush at this point.
Read up on stem splitting and darkness before harvest. Both good ideas. Also, look at washing green branches in peroxide too.
I think you can see from @Myfriendis410 picture that you still have some bulking up to do. In comparison you plants look skinny.
I will tell you a story that I hope will help.
I just finished my second grow and I harvested 4 plants early. I let 2 other plants go a week longer and the combined weight of those 2 plants equaled the weight of the 4 plants that I had harvested to early.
This is the biggest mistake first time grower make in harvesting to early. So I will tell you what everyone told me and that is when you think they are ready, wait another week
Wait until your trichomes look like this.
Happy Growing
There is some wisdom there for sure! @GreenThunder is the only person I know who harvested right on time with her first grow.