ILGM Super Silver Haze - Treez

It’s official. She sprouted! I want to send a huge thank you out to @Hogmaster! He actually gifted me this seed a while back in May and I finally just got around to germinating her! I am so excited to be growing another ILGM masterpiece!

She’s in a soil-less mix right now, but once she’s grown more I will transplant her into a 5 gallon DWC bucket.



She looks so cute standing there all proud of herself for coming out of her shell :man_farmer:


I always love seeing what you grow brotha! I’ll definitely keep an eye on this thread just because.
Happy growing my friend!


Sssuuweeet, excited to get to watch a ktreez grow start to finish. Keep me tagged in if you would :slight_smile:


She’s trying to stretch for light, but I don’t want to put her too close, so I raised her up about 6" closer to the LED. Here are pictures from today.



I was just about to ask what strain lol never mind

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She’s looking great!



Getting bigger every day!!



Update pictures!

I plan on transplanting her into DWC tonight or tomorrow, she’s ready for her new home! @Hogmaster you were right dude, look at her go already! She’s going to love her DWC setup!



She is a beauty. You make the buckets yourself? I would very much like the instructions on how to make them :grinning::sunglasses:

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Thanks @Tr33 I appreciate the love!

You’ll need:

  1. 5 Gallon food grade bucket
  2. 6" net pot bucket lid
  3. Air stone
  4. Air hose
  5. Air pump
  6. Hydroton (expanded clay)

From there, you simply use a drill bit to drill a hole into the top side of your bucket, so you can place the air hose through the hole. Attach the air stone to the end of air hose inside the bucket, then attach the other end to an air pump. Add water to the bucket, and you’ve just made a 5 gallon DWC setup. For adding a plant you simply add hydroton to the 6" net pot, add your plant, and then put the net pot lid on the bucket, and viola!

Super simple to do, that’s why I don’t recommend buying pre-made setups when it’s this easy to DIY. Hope this helps though!



changed to “watching”…dunno how I missed it, expecting only the best :wink:


@ktreez420 Awesome thanks. I am going out tomorrow to get the goods. I just sprouted a ww auto and would like to transfer that in when it gets big enough. I’ll be hitting you up with questions as I go. Thanks again. :grinning:


one of my new twin girls looks like that, the other is a bit shorter, but i am so proud of them, as you are of your new baby!!


Update with pictures! Transplant day!!!

Today I transplanted the SSH girl into her new home in a 5 gallon DWC setup. Her roots were great when I was doing the transplant so I think she’ll adjust quickly to DWC. I love the genetics though, ILGM really does have great genes!

My transplant station lol! Net pot, hydroton, and sink are all ready for the process!

All white roots, those brown spots are from the holes of the plastic pot.

Knock off as much soil as possible!

Very fine roots!

Then you’ll rinse the roots and place into your net pot and slowly fill in the pot with your hydroton.

Place your net pot onto your bucket, and viola! Soil to DWC transplant.

From left to right: Gorilla Glue, SuperSilverHaze, Incredible Bulk.



Awesome! I have gotten my buckets and net pots, but still need to get everything else. I have the ph up/down, so what nutes should I buy?

I recommend General Hydroponics. I use their Flora line of nutrients, which comes in a trio pack. The also have a FloraDuo line of nutrients. But I’m only experienced with the Flora line. Very simple to use, and I’m 90% sure that they’re also the cheapest to buy! So double bonus there lol! You’ll find tons of other grows all over the web with these nutrients so finding help is always easy. Hope this helps!


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