ILGM Strawberry Kush Start to Finish + Defeated Spider Mites

Strawberry kush started from seed and grown in coco coir. Feeding General Hydroponics nutrients and Recharge. Utilising the manifold/mainline training technique.

First pic is 9 days after spouting.

20 days in.

After transplanting and training using the manifold/mainline method, or as I like to call it, the “octopus” technique.

Note the 8 distinct tops on each plant.

I don’t know how she snuck into my growroom, but I let her chill for a while then took her outside because I figured she would starve in my growroom.

Late veg.

Early bloom.

It was at this point in early bloom I started to notice what I initially suspected was powdery mildew.

The good folks here suggested I get a magnifier and take a closer look. I purchased a magnifying scope that connects to my phone and thats when I discovered spider mites.

Massive thanks to the good growmies here on ILGM for suggesting I use Captain Jacks Deadbug to deal with the spider mites. It quite literally saved my entire crop. They would have wiped out my plants without it. How do I know this for sure? Because just prior to this my bean plants that I have growing outside were quickly wiped out by these same bugs. But at the time, I didn’t know what the cause was. I mistakenly thought my beans were being attacked by fungus and so I treated for fungus. This obviously didn’t work and they were wiped out fast.

I believe the spider mites were carried inside on my clothing. I would be working outside in the veg garden, then come right in and work in the grow room. They could’ve easily hitched a ride on me since they are just barely too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Several treatments with Captain Jacks Deadbug saved my crop, and I have you folks here to thank for suggesting it.

With the bugs wiped out, the plants continue on with the budding and bulking.

This one in particular began foxtailing big time. It also had trichomes extending far out onto the fan leaves.

These remaining pics were taken the day of the slaughter…

This one wound up with extreme foxtailing, but if you zoom in you will notice the CRAZY FROSTING on this heifer!

She was also my largest single producer @ 8.17 dry oz all by herself.

The Pillars of Nosgoth

The Three Sisters

Altogether from 8 finished plants, I yealded just under 3 lbs dry. The buds are super dense, chunky, and scrum-diddly-umptious. The smoke is fantastic. It tastes good, smells good, and gets you blasted.

I took a bud to my local hydro store where they have this machine that scans your bud with lazers and tells you what % THC your weed has.

You put a bud in this mirrored chamber then push it down.

It scans your bud for a few minutes then you get this…

The listing where I bought the seeds says THC levels “up to 18%” so I was shocked to see mine come in at 22%.

EXTREMELY happy with this strain, and so much credit goes to ILGM.


Very nice grow. Interesting to see how you have planted the plants in that grow pot seup. First time I have seen a grow like this…great results from this grow happy gowing :bat:

First off, beautiful plants my freind :+1:
Well done :grin:

I also grow in coco-coir and soil.
I use microbes in my soil grows and sometimes recharge.
But the only microbes I sometimes use in coco-coir is “bacillus amyloliquefaciens”.

Recharge can be expensive and is comprised mainly of microbes that make nutrients in soil available to plants. Synthetic nutes provide all nutrient elements in a form that’s immediately available to the plant and recharge dosen’t have anything to do in a hydroponic grow, it literally has no organic matter to break down as synthetics are already in “salt” form.

I know the manufacturer says otherwise but I would like to see any data that shows a benefit from adding beneficial microbes to a synthetic grow.

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Awesome set up. Very healthy looking grow. Outstanding results. Wonderful presentation. Btw, in hindsight, that lady bug was trying to tell you were her food was…:rofl: Be very proud of this grow! Marvelous job!!! :+1: