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Would it be difficult to gives us a choice between having the oldest posts to a topic shown first (as they are now) or the opposite?

It would also be nice if topics were divided into bite-sized pages, so we can jump by clicking on a page number.

We have some very long threads and having to scroll through 1000 posts so the most recent can be read is quite tedious.


If on a PC you can do this by hitting the “end” key or you can use the slider on the right side of the page to advance quickly though posts or select the post that you want to jump to. You can also search for text within individual threads by using CTRL-F.

The forum admins can only make minor changes to forum functionality. The site features are the responsibility of 3rd party Discourse software. You can make suggestions by contacting Discourse.


@MidwestGuy Thanks for the tips. On MacOS, function-key + right arrow is the equivalent of the Windows End key. Function-key + left arrow takes you to the first post.

On MacOS, you can’t pull this forum’s scroll bar to the bottom and hold it there while it scrolls nonstop. You have to keep grabbing it and pulling it down, over and over.

The link you provided explains that Discourse doesn’t support paging and why. Thanks for that info, too.

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Sounds like you have some IT experience.

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Do you not have this on the device you’re using?

Clicking on the post number box should give you your scroll bar that can bring you to the end of any thread no matter the size


Nevermind. Reread your post. I don’t have anything with macOS so I can’t experiment. For ios and windows the scroll takes you to the end.

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I was referring to my browser’s scroll bar. After reading your post, I noticed that a second, faint blue one appears when the post # is clicked, and it behaves just as you described.

Thanks for pointing that out! :+1:

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