@oldguy66 Good evening bloggers!(typing this on a cold night in South Africa ). I’ve been smoking for quite a while(about 7-8 years) and have gotten in the journey of growing my own marijuana and reasonably joined this forum to expand my knowledge on the art of growing weed. I remember late January maybe 23 or 24 I planted a seed I found from a very potent 5gram bag sold locally in my area which began sprouting early Feb and quickly grew and began the flowering phase in May. You could say I planted late in the summer because Summer in South Africa begins in mid October-november . I’ve noticed purple hues which could result from decreasing temperatures as it is autumn as we speak and slightly orange or amber (really could not distinguish ) pistils and it seems to be healthy in stature. Its relatively small considering I planted late and it’s an outdoor grow ,being dictated by the change of weather and sunlight decreasing automatically resulted the vegetative phase to be short and offset the flowering phase . To my recall I only remember a very potent head high with a slight couch lock but I’m unfamiliar with the name and it’s genetics so I can provide recommended feeding,watering and care.it has been having temperatures ranging in 17-24 degrees in the day and 6-8 degrees Celsius in the nightime. This week we are expecting a nationwide cold front with temperatures hitting -1 to -4 for a 4 days and I’m stressed how that will be for the plant. Any form of help or advice will be greatly appreciated