Identify strain name and any advice





@oldguy66 Good evening bloggers!(typing this on a cold night in South Africa ). I’ve been smoking for quite a while(about 7-8 years) and have gotten in the journey of growing my own marijuana and reasonably joined this forum to expand my knowledge on the art of growing weed. I remember late January maybe 23 or 24 I planted a seed I found from a very potent 5gram bag sold locally in my area which began sprouting early Feb and quickly grew and began the flowering phase in May. You could say I planted late in the summer because Summer in South Africa begins in mid October-november . I’ve noticed purple hues which could result from decreasing temperatures as it is autumn as we speak and slightly orange or amber (really could not distinguish ) pistils and it seems to be healthy in stature. Its relatively small considering I planted late and it’s an outdoor grow ,being dictated by the change of weather and sunlight decreasing automatically resulted the vegetative phase to be short and offset the flowering phase . To my recall I only remember a very potent head high with a slight couch lock but I’m unfamiliar with the name and it’s genetics so I can provide recommended feeding,watering and has been having temperatures ranging in 17-24 degrees in the day and 6-8 degrees Celsius in the nightime. This week we are expecting a nationwide cold front with temperatures hitting -1 to -4 for a 4 days and I’m stressed how that will be for the plant. Any form of help or advice will be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


That cold of temps can kill a marijuana plant with ease. I left South Africa last year as the cold fronts was rolling it. I slept in a wooden shack at all he VMF outside Tzaneen.

You can try to put like a black colored garbage bag for over night. This can help long as you are not under freezing temps for a week straight or more.

If you can move them in over night…do it. :+1:

I researched the particular weather climate my area is and I think It shares similar weather conditions as Quebec Canada,Detroit to name a seems to be a rigorous plant considering the weather we are current facing, would you bet to take a guess on the strain because I’m absolutely clueless🙁

Nope…no way to identify it bases on what the plant looks like. You would be hard pressed trying to identify it by taste. Way to many strains.


Agree with Mr Peat. Get that girl covered up if you can’t get her inside


Appreciate the tag. I think the others already have you covered. Good luck :+1:t2:

Yup. I was just speaking with another member about this. Its near impossible to tell ratio of sativa to indica from pics. Let alone strains. U get alot better idea from smells and smoking. But will probably never know tbh


I agree, no way to tell by looking at it.

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Looks like marijuana. Keep it protected from the cold