I'd appreciate your opinions guys!

Here’s a clone of my kimbo kush, I think it looks like a girl…pretty sure I see some hairs in there. Plus it seems to be putting out some trics… I hope it really is female as this was my only seed of that strain.

So this was something different I tried. I took the clone and put it right into the flower tent thinking it would show faster, I had read this could be done. I don’t think it did as it seemed like it had to root first regardless of the lighting. It quite possibly took longer as it had fewer hours of light to convert energy into roots? After a couple weeks I decided to try a mini hydro setup for it(and another). It really took off after I did that. I just did a little airstone in a cup of 6.2ph water with light nutes, and the roots are going nuts!


If it’s a clone and mom was a girl it’s a girl as well @Legalinmaine
I’ve heard a bubble cloner is much more effective way to clone also


Thanks, I think I’ll put it back in veg and make a larger hydro setup…and do some in soil too to see the difference in taste.

I don’t do hydro its interesting just don’t feel I have the time right now to really learn it right but I think one day I’ll be giving it a go
Definitely put it back in veg then
You can get a inexpensive set up dwc on Amazon
@Donaldj is a hydro guy if you have any questions I’m sure he’ll jump on to help you out


Here’s the other, a sour diesel. I can’t tell yet… the mother(or older plant) looks like it has a female preflower.

The SD mother…yeah, it’s really hard to see.

The kimbo mother.
I’m getting some great shape out of this one… probably wider than it is tall, gonna be lots of tops!

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I agree @Countryboyjvd1971 I would love to grow hydro but it seems like it is a lot more work and time consuming than growing in soil /soiless medium. Having to adjust the PH a few times a day would get tedious for me

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@Jmesser80 it looks like a lot of work but from my understanding they grow faster and you can yield 20% more
I just don’t have the time to tend to them proper
I’ve been thinking of getting a dwc bucket and trying it just for knowledge but if I spend anymore $ on this my wife’s going to leave me hahahahaha


@Countryboyjvd1971 I have heard they grow faster. I guess I would have to look into how much more
Money it would be. Being that they take less time you would save in electricity but would you actialymsave any since you have to run pumps and chillers etc. I think I’ll at least get a few more grows under my belt before I think about that. Would like to get at least 2 grows that have no issues at all, from what I’ve read it is much easier to making mistakes and having issues with hydro. Would definitely be nice to give it a try.

@Countryboyjvd1971 and @Jmesser80
A bubble cloner is the way to go and it’s a small hydro unit . If you make your own like I did with every thing besides tools you should be able to build 2 units for less than $50 and run both off the same pump

I’ve built 3 units for less than $50
This is a back up when I’m finished with the green collors I’ll move to the small net pots that are the same size filled with rock wool.
And this is my opinion but hydro is way easyer than coco , as coco takes way more time and every day .

I can put 8 clones in a unit but don’t any more. I like 4 and leaving one hole open to add extra rh.
Depends on what air pump you get as to how much you spend all my stuff came from Wal-Mart and dollar store.


Do you put them into soil after they root? …or would it crush the roots? I’ve heard soil gives the best flavor…but the hydro is faster and yields more.

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Yes I put them in soil ,coco or rock wool.
Just don’t pack in the soil and you’ll be good.

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