hey!! new user and first time grower here hoping to get some good feedback about how i’m doing with these two. to explain the situation a little bit, i received 6 marijuana plants from my elderly neighbor down the road who was good friends with the previous owner of harvest (a dispo in az idk if it’s nationwide or how that works lmao) but then once marijuana was legalized here they got a new owner. i have genuinely no idea how long they were growing before i got them, but i’d say i’ve had them now since april? i want to say april. anyway, two survived the harsh az summer and after not getting proper care for however long before i got them. i’ve been watering good and adding rhino skin into the water a couple times a week to build stem strength and just last week i added both bone meal and blood meal and covered it with compost and watered good. anyway, just wondering if i’m doing it correctly and or is there’s anything i can do to make it better. i have lots of questions to ask so please interact so i know what the hell im doing!!
She looks really good, if you would like a nutrient line that’s very easy, I would suggest Jacks nutrients. It’s a 3 parts, but the same measurements from seed to flower.
Happy growing!
Looks good
Reminds me of a giant Thai stick
thanks! i genuinely have no idea if i’m doing this all the right way so couple questions though, when would the flowering stage happen if you had to guess? it just feels like i’ve had these two forever but i don’t quite fully understand the timeline of growing outdoors
also heard that chicken poop and bong water helps?? can anyone verify this because i have over 40 chickens and it’d be no problem to put some in there with it and water with some good old bong juice
Big nope on the bong water, nasty stuff and not good to water plants with.
While chicken poop can be good fertilizer, it would need to be composted/aged first as it’s very hot when fresh and makes a better fertilizer for the veg stage as it’s high in nitrogen - not so great by itself for the flowering stage that your plants are in.
yeah it’s not like i’m scooping it right after they drop it you know? like in their coop on the hemp bedding it’s filled so idk i’ll go slow with it. but to clarify my plants are in the flowering stage?? more info needed because if they are i’m gonna need advice on how to do that because i genuinely have no clue!
Yes, the plants in the pics are growing buds (see all those white hairs), which means they are flowering. We usually give bloom fertilizers in flowering. They appear to be in mid-flowering so may be ready for harvest in 4-5 weeks.
Your plants look pretty healthy so keep doing what you’ve been doing. The bone meal is high in phosphorus so is good for flowering, blood meal is high in nitrogen so use less of that in flowering.
You aren’t hanging out behind your chicken and patiently waiting?
Listen to @Hellraiser, he is a wizard
This will give you an idea of what mature flower looks like. Take a look and vote on your favorite while you’re at it.
Looks good! Since you’re flowering you want fertilizer that’s high in potassium and phosphate. Bone meal was a good start. If you’re trying to stay organic, you can try adding langbeinite for potassium. It does take time for these types of organic fertilizers to breakdown and be used by the plant. If you aren’t trying to stay organic, consider something think Fox Farms Cha Ching, which can be used by the plant immediately and could be beneficial since you’re mid-flowering.
Good luck! Oh and vote for me in October bud of the month (shameless plug ).