I swear Occifer, it's oregano!

My new grow is officially underway. The grow room was dismantled at the end of the last grow with plans of expansion. I saved a bunch of money to completely rebuild the room and almost double the square footage.

But i bought a new pool instead.

So, the old grow room has been rebuilt, but don’t worry cause I incorporated the lessons learned from the last grow.

Those lessons are:

  1. raise the height of the tubs to aid in plant maintenance underneath
  2. grow 3 plants instead of 4
  3. move drain to increase access to plants
  4. move water valves to be more easily accessible
  5. build cage for plants to rest upon during late flower

Details of the grow:
RDWC approximately 45 gallons
Hydroponics Trio nutrients
Microbial tea
Spider Farmer lights - 1200 watts total
Grow room is approximately 90 square feet

My first RDWC grow was a nightmare. It produced a high yield but of a lower quality.
This grow is taking the lessons learned and will be about producing a high quality product.

I have not decided on the strain in going to grow.

@Dennis62 @JJ520 @Lostgirl @Myfriendis410 @OGIncognito @JimWantsToGrow @RightAway


Good solid setup: where’s the rez?


So that’s what an oregano farm looks like


Good looking set up Grow Bro :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


This is the reservoir


Looking fantastic my friend, lets get this growing :grin: set to watch got popcorn :popcorn:


Nice! :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


Ocifer from Grimm, it’s in the title already. Meant to be


Looking good I’ll definitely be around can’t wait :+1:t2:


Update 13 May 2024:

Dropped 3 seeds 48 hours ago.
First 24 in 50/50 h2o/h202
Second 24 in pain spring water

Wedding Cake has 1/4 inch tail
Geeked Out Encounter has 1/4 inch tail
Banana Kush has not popped a tail.

Planted all 3 into rapid Rooters and placed into RDWC system under domes with lights at 12 DLI.

RDWC system has no nutrients but does have beneficiary microbe tea.

Let’s all take a toke for a fantastic grow.


Update 15 May
2 of the 3 seeds are now above ground. The 3rd should be reaching for the sky tomorrow or the next day.
The system is stable and everything is looking good.


Update 28 May. Day 2 of vegetation phase.
#1 & #3 are looking very good. Growth is good and the roots are showing from the pots. #3 roots are already in the water.

#2 is giving me trouble. Seed #1 popped but then died. Seed #2 failed to pop. Seed #3 has cracked open but refuses to do anything else.
Dropped another Seed, this time it’s a mystery Seed. We’ll see what happens.

The system is running very good. My lessons learned have paid off. The changes i made in the plumbing worked as well as i hoped. No more worry about water flow not restarting properly with a power outage.


Happy grow day #36, Veg day #24 from my little compound.
Today we have a problem. Please see the photo below.

Strain is ILGM Wedding Cake Auto

Full hydroponic system
Water changed 16 June
Growth stage is Veg
GH nutrients (micro, grow, & bloom)
Cannazym & Calmag supplements

PH 5.98
EC 1967
TDS 981
Water temp 69°f
Air temp 74.66°f
RH 55%
CO2 1546 ppm
Lights are at 40DLI
Lights are SF 1000 fixtures

Problem started at the bottom of the plant and is working it’s way upwards.
There are no bugs, anywhere.

Opinions please.


According to another web site it looks like a calcium efficiency.

@Dennis62 @RightAway @Lostgirl @OGIncognito


Sorry my friend I am not very versed in difisancies as you can see I can’t even spell it :sweat_smile: hope you get the answers you need


Doesn’t really look like Calmag deficiency to me personally. (Because of the brown spots with yellow circles)

Almost looks like leaf septoria this condition is caused by a fungus (or sometimes a bacteria) that attacks cannabis plants and usually appears in warm, wet weather. The symptoms first appear on the bottom leaves of the plant and protrude upwards.


With that said it’s more commonly to happen in soil. You’re not in soil. This is where I would hit a brick wall on how to treat it.

Unfortunately that’s about the closest thing in total relevance that I see


The look, the symptoms are so insanely compatible to your issue. It can happen from a spore hiding any place it doesn’t have to be in soil. Nevertheless, there’s an article halfway down this page on dealing with and treating leaf septoria

Leaf Septoria and Cannabis: Prevention & Treatment - RQS Blog.


It’s also on only one plant in the system.


Just now catching up. Bama. Thanks for the tag. Yes really looks like leaf septoria. I use growers ally fungicide. Both as a preventative and treatment. Keep all prunings cleaned out of the house. Thats a really good article posted by Lostgirl. Beneficial Fungi may be a better answer but changing the PH of the leaf surface will help . I wonder if septoria goes systemic at some point ?


The good thing is there’s so much studies out there on leaf septoria by big universities, labs etc. that it’s created a huge resource of informative information on this fungi.

There is definitely no shortage of information out there to assist. I started my very first outdoor garden this year and I was reading up on prevention of pest, fungi, and predators of the garden. leaf septoria is one of them.

When you tagged me I kept looking at the picture and it reminded me of something that I’ve seen recently but couldn’t put my finger on it. When I saw the rings around the brown spots it clicked. I had read an article about tomatoes :tomato: and that’s where I saw the identical characteristics of your issue.

It definitely doesn’t seem to be an end of the world issue for the plant and relatively easy to prevent and treat. I wish you the best of luck with this sorry that it happened. :v: