Dose anyone know how to send pictures from a Samsung phone to the ilgm picture I’ve look and tried I can send pictures to other people Yeah I know you have to be smarter than it
When you reply, down in the lower right hand corner are two icons. The left one of the two is the upload command. It will open up a window and you can follow the instructions at that point. One thing: when you upload to ILGM, wait until you actually see the photo before hitting enter.
Cool thank you
I found it thank you I’m
@Myfriendis410… Wondering Why My Cell phone has a Screen that must be Scrolled to the Right to see the Whole Screen (Like a computer screen) Even though it is Set On (Mobile) … Don’t think I Changed them accidentally and Definitely Didn’t change them Knowingly
I think it has to do with the new banner at the top of the page. Mine is doing it also
Mine just started this. Annoying. Agree with @Missiles, started after that top banner was added
Thanks guys I hope they’ll take that top Banner off because it messes up the whole process…
They’ve always had a banner there but this new one isn’t formatted correctly
Yep, It Needs to be increased in size by Going down to the Next line and Not Wider… Thanks .
PS That’s a NEGATORY… Now the Next line Down IS Covering the Top line of the Reply So that you Can’t See what you’re Writing.
It Just Needs to Go Back like it Was !!