I don't think Al Gore has any friends. Autoflower grow, start to finish

Beautiful girls! Great job Cap. You’ll probably breeze through it but trimming all that would take me a week minimum lol. Which one puts out the best smell? Are your MBAP’S still loudest in the room? If your doing your next one in coir with all them you just planted you’ll be busier that a one armed paper hanger lol


Thank you @Dennis62 @Lostgirl & @WilIy. I’d say it’s going to be approximately a 36 hour trimming marathon, but the reward makes the effort worth it.

The MBAP’s smell great, but not quite as good as the Sour Stomper x Forum Stomper freebies. Makes me feel really silly for sitting on the freebie seeds for so long. In my mind I was convinced that nothing you get for free will be as good as something you have to pay for, and for that reason I didn’t try a single freebie seed for like 3 years, lol. The last 2 grows I started trying them, and they’ve all turned out better than most of the main strains.


Looking amazing CAP! Ur about to make me start my freebies and save the main strains! lol


@Strat3gic-grOwer-420, Lol, it’s good to be in a situation where you can’t go wrong with either choice!

What freebies did you end up with?


I got 2 MBAP and iced and baked! Then with the sundae thumper pack I ended up with sour bubbly and grape walker kush! And 5 grape crush! lol I’m sure yu have grown all of them! I have to go find that chart yu sent with all the strains yu have completed! @Cap_Ron I also bought a pink Panama! And they sent a free one of those too!


All autos?


All autos! I’m with @Cap_Ron
Idnt think I’ll ever grow a photo! All tho HE has! Idnt think I’ll ever go to photos!

Hmmmm which one to start with!


that’s the way man choose your style and go all the way🤙🏻

Can’t wait to see ya grow those strains
I got a shit ton of seeds too between what I bought and freebies
A total of 30 mostly photos


Pink Panama sounds like it’s gonna be fire
But probably all of then will be


I don’t have either of those freebies, but they both sound like great mixes of strains. I don’t know how many total different freebie strains there are, but it must be an awful lot. I have a local friend who also grows lot’s of Mephisto plants. We both have tons of freebies, but not one of the same between us.

I wouldn’t say I’d never grow photos again, but I doubt it. I enjoy growing autos too much!


Is there a particular reason you don’t like photos? Or you just prefer autos?


I like photos as well, just not as much as autos. There’s a lot of factors, like not having my grow spaces sealed up tight to prevent light leaks. I have much better airflow with the ports on the tents all open wide and no worries if a bit of light slips in. But more importantly, it seems like my style of growing just works really well for autos.


Yea I think they change the freebies every now and then @Cap_Ron because on there site is say this here!

I have every one besides the AVT and 3 bears OG! lol which I’m sure they will send me those when I order this next pack! They got Black Friday sales now so imma order 2 more 5 packs of strains idnt have yet!
And @Firstimer1299 :point_up_2:t3: what @Cap_Ron said!
That’s why I choose autos over photos!
Another one is time space and money! lol I will get the size down sooner or later to produce a good yield!


well it sure does seem to work :joy:
I’d be happy with half the size of the plants you get


@Strat3gic-grOwer-420 soon enough you gonna be making monsters in the lab :test_tube:

@Cap_Ron fair enough man you have incredible results with auto


Ok, so you basically have a little basement set up in your starter tent, as kind of a utility room? Then you run all the plants on that wire grid? Am I seeing that correctly? Clever…


Yea CAP has massive autos! That’s the size I look forward to one day! lol imma fallow his transplanting technique my 2nd grow and see if I get close to the size he gets! Lol


Lol, I guess that’s as good a way to describe it as I’ve heard so far! It works great. I keep a fan blowing directly on the heater to avoid a hot spot right underneath the plants, and I also make sure to keep an open spot above the humidifier to let the mist rise up.

These are some old pics from several years ago when I was growing photos and cutting clones. I built PVC racks like this for my big tents as well. They open up a lot of extra space for equipment, and also make it easier to hang fans, probes, and others various things.


Well all I can say is it’s a good thing I have low ceilings, or I’d have to start rethinking my area all over again :rofl:

Just so you know though, someday I WILL be stealing some of those ideas! :+1:
Looks awesome!


Plants look freaking awesome!!