I hope you suceed in zapping the spider mites straight to hell, let me know if your recipie works
Spidermite eggs are tiny. Could be aphids or maybe stink bugs? I would examine your plant with a jouleers loupe and search for active bugs. Also look for unusual damage.
I walked around my plants and didn’t see any other spots like that one. When I bumped into the bush little flies flew out? Should I spray with tea tree or neem?
I seem to have russet mites myself. I have an old 1960’s microscope and have observed and tortured the little. We’ll leave it there. Tested isopropyl alcohol on 3 seperate leaves. The 4 to1 h2o to alcohol didn’t work quick enough. I watched a couple go through the leaf onto the slide. So I started using a 1 to 1 ratio to knock them down. I have backed it up with fertilome insecticide. ( neem and pyrenthium) Forgive me if i misspelled it. The Black widow was in flower for only a week so i threw her back on veg. The Lowrider auto i am concerned about. She don’t handle the alcohol as good as the widow. I also use neem oil and an with a touch of palmalive to gently wipe down between sprays. Im wondering if I need to toss the 18 gals of soil and 10 gals of coco on the back porch?
I remember was I had my first infestation of spider mites the 2 spotted ones if that. I was freaking out man I mean I had webs on the clones In a separate location. My buddy told me go get a Hot Shot No Pest Strip and I did just that and within 5 to 7 days they was long gone. Just dont use past week 4 in flower. Hope this helps brother. Stay growing
Enjoy your cake @Countryboyjvd1971
If you would like to cure all pests problems. Google Grow Zorb. I have been using this for a year and have never had a problem with any kind of pest. It’s absorbent, PH neutral (once set that’s it), it is reusable and lets the roots breathe amazing. I don’t know how to post a pic but if you want my email I can send some.
It’s meant to say adsorbant
I had 2 spotted spider mites just 2 weeks ago I faithfully check my plants 2 times or more a day with a little jewelers glass that’s how I caught them the first time I asked a lot of people what to use. I was nervous about spraying anything on them but I whent with peroxide a few drops of dawn dishsoap and took them outside and drenched them underside and top of leaves. Three days later I checked them and all adults were dead there were a few newly hatched babies. I then mixed up captain jacks and did the same soaking. I examined them again 3 days later all the eggs were now an orange color and dead since then no problems. But I check them daily top to bottom here are some pics of my experience.