Four Girls . 8 Weeks from Seed… Trimmed for 8 Cola’s each
Time to change light to 12/12 …
Dialed-in Perfection
Looking great
Thanks for the nice comments…
After 4 weeks of 12/12 light & change over to “Bloom” feeding …
With one or two light “Trimming” of lower “Leaf and Suckers”
One of the advantage os a winter grow is the lower surrounding humidity levels
Dropping the humidity levers in the controller to encourage the girls to “Drink Up”
Just another shot of the typical grow room conditions… During “Flowering Stage”
Note how the CO2 levels drop during “DayTime”… Even with the room having very good air turnover …
What’s the cream cheese container have in it?Can you give me arun down whats inthe rub?
That little tub is the return water from girls…
You need to know not only the ph and EC of the supply water … But the ph and EC of the return water …
They should always be very close . But at the start of the grow the grow media has to come into balance … That little tub allows you to monitor and know …
What would make your res water smell like pond water?
Awesome res design.
OK. If your water smells… Time to dump, rinse and refill.
Water reservoir cannot see any light. SUPER IMPORTANT.
Have to have continuous air bubbler going to oxygenate and continuous mix the water.
Water temps need to be kept cool. 65F for me. Warm water encourages bacteria growth.
Have to have UV-C lamp in the bottom – side of the water tank. Cycling 1hr on 5hr off (+/-) to keep bacteria growth down/limited. Nothing lives thru UV-C - 15-22 W @ Amazon- $26. (Aquariums sterilizer lamp) DON’T LOOK AT. OR STAY EXPOSED TO UV-C!
I’m on well water, lots of natural bacteria present from the start. :<
Use 1-2L/100Liters of Hydrogen Peroxide (Walmart $1. Brown bottle.) to kill it off. HP will not hurt the plants and quickly dissipates. OK to add a liter to water once a week. If your still having issues. Turn off bubbler for 1-2 hr. when you add HP. You will be surprised how HP will clear things up.
Change water on a schedule. Say every 2-3 weeks. Monitor Ph/EC every few days.
Should never have an issue if the above is followed. Don’t think I missed anything important.
Good Luck…
Thanks for the information? Could you send me the specific U-c -15-22W lampthat you have thanks again.
Not that critical across the grow cycle building from .5 as baby’s to 2.0 ish … Big thing is . More EC is not better … If the tips turn yellow . Too strong
Ph control more important
Just change from veg to bloom solution
In Tampa…
Heading out on 9 day nude cruise with wife
Dude I’ve been reading your post, awesome design. You have thought of everything. Very nice should grow girls to be big and strong. Congratulations
Find the simple 13W UV-C lamp works … replace every year as the output will decrease over time…
Run 6-12 hours with new water then … 1Hr on / 5 hr off. to keep things in check
Did a quick water reservoir dump… refill… and pH/EC adjust and all is well!!
Great info man thanks very much. Just running 2 10 gal totes with reservoir total water is 20 gal. Got a 13 w uv-c lamp should i run it the 6-12 hr per your instructions?
That’s wild, I’ve never had this problem. My ph likes to drift down.
As for why the pH rises, the easiest way to explain it is that some of the carbon dioxide in water is carbonic acid – that is, carbon dioxide plus water makes carbonic acid – so removing carbon dioxide is like removing carbonic acid. Removing an acid from the water makes the pH rise.
If you draw your bubbling air supply from inside the house where the CO2 levels tend to be higher … ( It really is) … You will drive down the pH … It does not take much to drive the balance / equilibrium… Ask the ocean and coral reefs
So… 6-12 hour when refilling totes… Way overkill but it’s easy to just run it overnight … or when at work … and you know everything is dead …
Then I find 1hr on / 5 hr off schedule seems to keep bacteria at bay …
But it’s all +/- … UV-C is clearly one of a growers cheap best friends …