Hydroguard question

Starting a rdwc in 17 gal totes, plan on using 20 gal of ro for my reservior how much hydro guard should i use and often do i add. Plan on changing res about every 10 days. @ Retiredoldguy

Follow the directions on the bottle. I use something much stronger but do it every res change. I have heard using too much can cause a film on roots that can block uptake. So just on fresh changes and maybe midway before the next but havent used it in years.


What are you using instead

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I’d bet Southern AG


Southern AG and King Crab(same people who make great white and orca)


Current 12 week Rez, top off only and use S. AG :+1:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:

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For Hydroguard, use 2 ml per gallon of water, so for a 20-gallon reservoir, you’ll need 40 ml. Add it each time you change the reservoir (every 10 days) and after topping off with significant amounts of water. Keeps roots healthy! :shower::seedling: