How Is She Looking? Third Time's A Charm!

This is my third grow. My first grow was a complete failure. My second grow was better but, I attempted to grow too many plants at once without the proper lighting, resulting in a very small popcorn bub harvest. I have been learning as I go, though. This time around I am only growing one plant, Bruce Banner Autoflower. My setup this time is very simple. I chose to grow inside a small coat closet on the upper floor of my house. I am using a 15-gallon fabric planter that is raised over a draining tub. I am using a total actual output of 165 watts full-spectrum grow light. I attached tinfoil to the walls of the closet for light reflection and, I have a small three-speed fan for air circulation inside the closet. During the day I leave the closet door open and turn on a ceiling fan for better air circulation in combination with the fan that is in the closet. The room the closet is in also gets great natural light during the day.

I am entering my fifth week as of today. So far things look really good to me. My plant is 10 inches tall and really seems to be filling out. I do not have any leaf discoloring or burnt tips. I have been using a 24 hour light cycle. I water appropriately, most of the time using a sprayer and, temps stay 81-82 during the day, 78-79 at night, with humidity levels consistent around 26%.


Curious What bulbs do you have in the fixtures?

Plant Light LED reflector bulbs. Each bulb puts out an actual 8 watts with a 65-watt total equivalent. You can buy them at Walmart. My plant has responded well to them. I will increase the actual wattage when I feel the plant needs more light.

At 8 true watts each, you’ll need about 20 of those lights to get some thick, dense nugs. Unless they’ve worked before. HLG has a deal on a true 200w fixture with a 2x2 flower footprint. Diablo 200 for like $179.

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I have spent the last several months watching a friend of mine grow. He is very basic in what he buys and the money that he spends. He has told me, and I have verified this information online, that you only need 60 to 80 actual watts to grow one healthy plant. Based on my friend’s harvests and the quality of the bud, I trust this information. His buds tend to be on the medium size but, they are always very dense and potent. I am using more than what was recommended to me for actual watts during the vegetative stage and, as I mentioned before, I will increase the actual wattage as necessary.


The question that I am most curious to have answered is, does the plant look healthy?


She looks real good. I have a BB photo that just went into flower. You could put a photo in that 15gal and veg it for like 3 months and have a monster! What nutes are you using? I just saw the 165w part too my bad growmie.


Congrats on your 3rd grow :+1: :green_heart:
They look great to me!! :blush: :raising_hand_woman:t2:


So I think I see 3 bulbs? At 8 watts a piece is only 24w actual draw. Dont use equivalents, they are often very misleading.

Edit: Sorry, I see more fixtures, ignore most of the below

60-80w can grow a smaller plant. 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 approximately… but ur looking at 24-25w if Im seeing correctly.

Im all for growing on a budget, every light ive used has been built myself to save cash. But at a certain point, tryna prove u can do it is gonna end up costing you more then just doing it right. If ur wasting $50 worth of nutes each grow, over 3 grows thats $150…. That coulda been profitting nuggs hand over fist last season.

All that said, she looks GREAT! Very well grown so far. Preflowers are starting so the good parts just kicking in. Best of luck and happy growing


That amount of light will be OK while it is only vegging. Beyond that I guess it is what you want. My thought is by the time you buy the fixtures and the bulbs you probably could have purchased small decent LED light that could do the job during flower. Good luck


My actual wattage is well over 100. I don’t base my light on the equivalent, just the actual watts. There are not a lot of places around here to buy grow equipment. We have one store. I stopped in to look at his lights and the cheapest one he had was $300 for a 1000w. I’m just not looking to spend that kind of money on a light. Any way you look at it, I save money by buying cheaper actual watt bulbs specifically designed for plant growth. As long as I have the actual watts required, I don’t think it makes much difference.

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Ur plant looks good its healthy i would love to see ur results with these bulbs i do have bulbs like this mine put out 100watts from the wall

i quite like these bulbs they work great and i have grown some good plants


When we talk about a light’s watts it is the watts consumed or commonly called draw. It you use a meter to measure the watts used by the light it will read around 145w for this 1000W light

  • COST-EFFECTIVE LED GROW LIGHT: Different from the traditional HPS, Our KP1000 LED light adopts a high-tech SMD LEDs and reflector technology , compares to traditional 400W HPS/MH while consuming only 145W! It provides brighter light and save more electricity which also can save a lot of money for you

This is a quick explanation from Black Dog LED of some of the abbreviations used
Total Photon Flux or Photon Flux (PF) is a measurement of the total number of photons coming out of a light source per second. It counts all photons, no matter which direction they are aiming or how they are concentrated, and is usually expressed in micromoles of light per second, or μmol/s.

When you only count photons in the 400-700 nanometer Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) range, this is called Photosynthetic Photon Flux, or PPF, but is still measured in μmol/s.

Photon Flux Density is a measurement of the number of photons passing through a particular area per second. It only counts photons going through the specified area, and is usually expressed in micromoles of light per square meter per second, or μmol/m2/s.

When you only count photons in the 400-700 nanometer PAR range, it is called Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density, or PPFD, but is still measured in μmol/m2/s, and is still a measurement of flux per area.



That’s not a bad price for that light. I stand corrected on cost. I have more than $80 invested in the lights I am currently using. Thanks for the info.

Most my lights cost me $1 per watt… if that. You just have to be patient and shop smart. And Im sitting on around 800-900w worth of high intensity LEDS.

Bought 20 2 ft strips 3 years ago. Got aluminum locally. Bought electrical tap and wiring wires, then had power cords sitting around the house. Spent about $350-400 on 3 separate lights.

Then upgraded last year. Got some 2 ft Rspec strips and made it happen. Seriously it doesnt take a huge investment and u dont need to buy it all at once. Like I said, im the MAIN advocate for grow at ur own pace. 3-4 years in and im still under $2500 investment. First year was done kinda like you are. With bulbs… yields never quite got where they should be.

But ur plant is KILLING my first years. She looks happy and healthy. No harm seeing how far this can get you. Was just being honesty about end goals and progress


I appreciate the honesty and information. I am a beginner. And my prides not so thick that I won’t listen to those who have been doing this a lot longer than me. I soak it all up.

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I’m using it as an example of where product numbers don’t match the actual power of the light. Reputable light companies name there light to approximate there power draw. I am not recommending this light although I do own a King Plus 600 (125 actual watts). I actually like it and I use as a supplemental light when I need it for vegging plants.
Like @PurpNGold74 said, take it at your own pace. Improving one’s knowledge, techniques and equipment is a normal progression. I imagine you will be shopping for lights before you know it.

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The HLG 200 is less than a $1 a watt good deal

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