How do you make hash?

What’s the easiest way to make good quality hash?


Bubble hash?

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Sure. I’m a first time grower and about to harvest so was wondering if hash would be easier than making dabs.

Yea alot easier, freeze from, blend, and strain into jars than strain again you want all the stuff layered in bottom of jar, and welcome to ilgm we are happy to have you here

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Thanks. I’ll look into further. I did come across something called bubble bags. Ever heard of or used? Pure Indica below


Hello there @Savingpvtviper,

I make hash all the time and its very easy to make than dab.

Here is a link to some bags

If ya have any If questions just ask

B Safe



From what I’ve seen so far I mix frozen trim with ice in them bags and collect goo from the last bag. Is that the end result? Step by step instructions would be nice lol @garrigan62

You know what I was going to but stopped short of doing.
I did want to insult you intelligence, if ya know what i mean.
But seeing how you asked here it is.

As you can see they the bags ate color coded.
Follow the instructions on placing your bags very important. Fill your 5 gal bucket half way with cold water have at least two bags of ice and you’ll need a drill and metal paint store.
When ready place your stuff on top of the water then add ice you’ll know when to stop and add more later as you go on.
Know this a s the trick put the drill in reverse other wise the bags twist on you its a pain in the sss…lo l
Keep stirring for 15 min let it settle. Then another 15 on and so on for one hour. When done let it settle for 30 l ns.
Now one bag at s time left out and let drain. Its time consuming but gota he done.
After the first one he careful when the bags are finishing f draining there is your hash. Now listen each bag after the first one is s different grade so keep them separate ok b mark them I put the hash on card board then I squeeze the rest of the moister out using the small screen that comes with your set
By the way I use a razor blade to scrap off the hash and be very carefully turning your bags inside out to get to the hash

And there you have it. You ask and you revived. I hope it turns Blond for ya.



@garrigan62 thanks and one more question. Do I need to dry and cure my trimmings before I freeze them? Also I was checking out bubble bag dude and is the washing machine worth the extra money?

For get the washing machine…lol

I just let it dry for a few days I and then just put up to smoke later that’s it…


P S you don’t have to freeze it…ok


Thanks, you’ve been an excellent help! So you don’t have to freeze the trimmings before you mix it up? So I can go straight from grooming my buds to the mix bucket and have hash? Will it be health stone quality?

OK I miss understood…ya freeze your trimmings the colder the better.
As far as health. I can’t answer that nobody can. Only you will know !



OK. I gotcha. Thanks again, I’ll leave ya be for now. Lol I’ll share a pic of my first run when the time comes. Still waiting on that amber

@garrigan62 she’s almost ready though


Now that would make a nice Christmas Tree

Will. I hanks for the pic

Pure Indica from Mr. Bergman. My first grow and proud of myself. A/C tech by day and Gardner till lights out lol

Good for you nice job. Bet you can’t wait till the next grow


I made some last week for the first time using the bags and it works
I now have what looks like green colored blu tack that have a very strong smell
Now I just need to work out how to use it

Great video. Step by step.