How do these look? 2nd attempt

first run was GDP autos using foxfarm nutes / soil. long story short, I abused tf out of them and all 3 hermied. (PH crash, no proper flushing. learning…) since then i’ve moved to organic.

2nd attempt x4 Runtz autos, 3 gal fabric pots, happy frog soil, gaia green 444 / bloom, worm castings, rock dust, recharge once a week, seaweed extract every 2 weeks. no training of any sort (experimenting!), PAR - 750ish, DLI 45ish (18/6 light cycle).

what do you guys think? need anything? anything noticeable that needs to be addressed?

day 14 of flower.


I’m not seeing anything of concern and your plants look really healthy


Thanks! First grow somewhat discouraged me. Really enjoying the organic / top dress route. Just all around easier IMO.



I’m on my first grow and that’s the reason I went with organic, just let the soil do most of the thinking for me


How does your fans system work?
Any low fans?
I will be trying “Roots Organic” on my next grow.
Pointers welcome.

Do you clone? (best use of discard cuttings).


Both fans are oscillating. Typically, the fan on the right is on the bottom, moving air above the pots. I moved it up during this picture because I was cleaning the tent and drip pans. The top fan blows over the canopy. Above the light, I have a 4-inch duct fan pulling air outside of the tent. I have one of the bottom vents open on the tent to help draw in air. That’s also where I keep my humidifier. It sucks in the humidity/vapors from outside of my tent by that vent hole. (I was worried about algae growing inside my humidifier if it were inside the tent under the light.)

I haven’t used your line of nutrients, but what I’ve noticed with Gaia Green is that you’ll eventually run into potassium deficiencies depending on your grow medium. I did anyway using Happy Frog. You’ll notice it on the bottom leaves first since it’s a mobile nutrient. I added seaweed extract to my arsenal to deal with that. It’s been working great so far.

With organics, from my understanding, you don’t want your soil to dry out too much. It will make the microbes dormant. I water more often but with a lesser amount of water. 1 liter per plant each day so far. I have upped that to 2 liters per day, per plant, since they started flowering. They are definitely drinking more now.

Worm castings, compost teas, microbe inoculation, etc., boosts the soil microbiology. Mycorrhizae. Its important to plants because they act as a symbiotic relationship with fungi that significantly increase a plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil by extending the root system with fungal threads, allowing plants to thrive in nutrient-poor soil and withstand stress conditions like drought and salinity; in exchange, the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrates from photosynthesis. It’s actually impressive; every time I use recharge, you see a rapid boost in growth within 24 hours.

No transplants or anything like that with autos. I planted them directly into their final pots to reduce stress. Just water, no feeding for the first month. The soil is amended out of the bag. For the first top dress, I followed the instructions on the container. I did a 50/50 blend of their 4-4-4 (all-purpose fertilizer) and 2-8-4 (bloom). 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil.

I use tap water that is left out in a 5-gallon bucket overnight to evaporate any chlorine. I personally don’t bother pHing my water with organics. It’s 7.0–7.2 out of the tap here.

Since these are autoflowering, I don’t think you can clone them. I think that’s for photos only. Someone might have to correct me if I’m wrong.

Hope this helps!


Additional information I forgot to mention.

Humidity is important.

Seedling - early veg 75%-80%
Mid - late late veg 60-70%
Early flower - 50-60%
Mid - late flower 40-45%
(You’ll be lowering the humidity as the plant progresses)

Light parameters (will need a par meter for this part)

DLI 18/6 light cycle

Stage | Early | Late

Seedling | 20 | 30
Veg | 30 | 45
Flower | 45 | 45

PAR 18/6 light cycle

Stage | Early | Late

Seedling | 320 | 450
Veg | 450 | 700
Flower | 700 | 750

Some strains can be pushed harder obviously but is what im currently using though.

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The original fan question was going to suggest a lower, oscillating fan (I use a tower)…

Awesome explanation of your grow and you got the plan.
Much I do that way, as well.
Appreciate the share.
Tonight’s feed was Jacks with a dose of Bigfoot. I am now chasing a lady with a probable Potassium deficiency.
I exhaust from top and intake from bottom (both controlled by 69P).
Light sheltered static intakes available on bottom of tent.
Powered intake and powered exhaust available to re-circulate tent air to heat or dehumidifier (if needed). Separate controlled powered exhausts for attic or lung room Un-filtered and filtered, respectively.
Working with Autos in November and ready for Moon shot.
FFOF or ROOTS is my next choice.