RH i guess is the humidity. That’s far out. You couldn’t really grow so easy there. Don’t you guys get some wild Hurricanes? My RH is around 10%-50% wich is good. Only rarely we get some crazy Heat but they love that. Once it’s legal here in Australia. I will grow indoors too. And Outdoors.
Thats a joke.! All you here over here is how great you guys got it. So it looks like some states are still f… up.
I’m here. In Ozy we got a huge problem with ICE ( Meth.) They loose there marbles.
Yes RH is the humidity. And yes we get some wild hurricanes and Hurricane Hugo landed 80 miles from us and he dropped 3 weeks of solid rain. It was bad but a fun time riding out a major hurricane. It was my first. We was on the worst side of it so we got blasted. Mandatory evacuations and a lot of towns had serious flooding. Several was supposed to hit us directly, but the one decided to turn straight west and blasted Mexico. That one was bad.
We had a Tropical Storm this year blast us. Why it would be hard to grow outdoors where I am at. Plus side is I don’t have to worry about someone stealing my plants.
We don’t have any storm drains where the water can get off the roads and what not.
If you get caught growing here they can sentence you to 25 years in Prison. They will throw everything they can at you.
It long as you don’t have more than 4 ounces, it’s a big fine and 6 months in jail. Growing they will even hit you for intent to sell. Distribution and anything else they think of.
One reason why I hate the State of Texas. I’m a severally Disabled Veteran so I just keep it on the down low.
Wild stuff. Good chatting with you. I’m gonna have a dooby and a rest. All the best for the Holidays.
Enjoy it…have a good X-mas.
Supplement artificial light when they don’t get enough natural light to keep them in vegetative state.
Dear @Keystoner,
I thank you very much for your effort has to enlighten me. Witch was good because it made me reconsider it all again. So thanks.
But i did or didn’t do of what you suggested. So my original question remains, which is how can one stop the normal female Plant from starting to go into the flower cycle or how to make a Plant
that has just started to flower and getting there first White Pistons to go back into a growing Cycle???
I heard maybe at Night when it’s dark to go with a strong Torch and shine on em for ca. 5-15 minutes. And that supposed to confuse the plants and they won’t produce flowering. But then i also heard that shining a Light on the Plants could turn em into Aphrodites or even grow em Balls.!?
And yes, if i haven’t mentioned yet. I’m growing outdoors with the natural Light Circle.
Anyone with any bright Ideas ?
Thanks @ tomba047
@tomba it’s possible to keep an outdoor plant in vegetative growth indefinitely, however it requires providing a powerful artificial light that extends the day length. I would be very surprised if a plant responded positively to a flashlight or something similar.
We all know that outdoor plants generally won’t be tricked by moonlight, starlight (well, other than our sun), street lights, and home security lighting. The theory I’ve heard is that the difference in intensity is so wide between the sun and a street lamp, our plants ignore the lower intensity source. If you have a greenhouse you can place an artificial light close enough to make a difference, but my guess is that’s cost prohibitive and impractical for you.
I’m so sorry that I can’t give you a solution. Maybe you have to just let the plant ride it out, and hope it doesn’t exhibit hermaphroditism due to the stress it’s already experiencing. Keep a close eye on it.
I would not, under any circumstances, use a flashlight for 5-15m
As far as explaining why this happened, it’s possible your specific NL seed had a mutation, that ILGM accidentally sent an autoflower, or that the breeding failed to eliminate an autoflowering gene. My hunch is they sent you the wrong seeds, because humans are human.
@ILGM.Support have you folks ever heard this sort of report before?
Thank you kindly for your expert advice. That was very helpful about the Light information.
I will let the Ladies have there natural Light Circle. And won’t do any silly stuff to em (for example shine a Light on em). I do believe, that the normally very reliable and good Seeds from the ILGM Guys made a mix up with some of my Nth. Lights Seeds. Because 2 of em are growing normal and 2 of em must be Autoflowering Seeds. When you grow outdoors you kinda can tell them pretty easy apart. The Normal Feminised Seeds growing much much Bigger then the Autos. And other stuff
Thanks a lot @tomba047