HLG UVA supplement light bars

Leave it disconnected. As @Watt-Sun said the extra plug is for another UVA light bar.

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Ahh OK.
Sorry to keep asking, another board says the opposite you can plug the uva into the 650 and plug 650 into outlet lol.

Its up and running with direct connection into outlet as is, ill finalize it before flipping in next couple days.


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@Watt-Sun thank you. After taking that and posting I set it up so that the extra plug just hangs. Can that be disconnected?

Figure no harm in running each uva separate instead of daisy chain since I have the outlet space. No upside to chaining if this is the case, right?


No if you have the outlet available thereā€™s no reason to chain them together. It does however make it more convenient to do so when running them on a timer. That way you guarantee they all go on and off at the same time. As far as disconnecting the last plug Iā€™m not sure. I just zip tied it up.


Remind me are you running HLG for main lights too? Im having some potential intensity issues w/ my HLGs and wanted to bounce it off some others who run as well. Specifically dealing with low intensity (dim notch 3-4) causing what might be leaf stress (not temp) but the thing is the light is easily 36" off canopy.

Yeah Iā€™m running 2 Hlg 550Rā€™s and 1 600R.
I have been working to perfect my light intensity. These lights are intense. I start off around half and slowly increase during flower until I start seeing leaf issues then level off or back down depending on what I see.

Yeah they are strong.

Last run I had them started under MH light, then moved into the tent w the 650s. I remember being at notch 5 from the start which is like 400 watts, then on up to 7 which was like 575/600 watts.

Now, I am having issues getting to notch 4 which is 350 I believe. New strains but I feel like when I bump up the intensity they show a little of that wilt in newer leafs. That being said, I havenā€™t kicked in the nutes yet and next water will include nutes. That should allow me to brighten them, along with moving to 12/12 so they get more rest.

They are plenty high from the canopy, and temp internally is 75 degrees so it isnā€™t a heat issue.

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How many 650ā€™s and what size space are you running them in ?

2 in a 4x8 gorilla Lite (shorter).

So its hella bright. If this were my first run, I would say Iā€™m learning and it is what it is. But since exact same environment (this one maybe even better controlled) I canā€™t get why im having this happen.

But other than difference in strain, I canā€™t get intensity higher. Now this could be another issue altogether, but them seem to show sensitivity when I bump up a notch.

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Light intensity was my main focus on the current grow. Wow whata diff it makes and these Hlgs are intense fosho.

Iā€™m rocking 2 hlg600v2r and 1 550.

Happy growing!

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STLTimmy - Iā€™m right outside of STL. Game to chat shop any time growmie!

I think you right. All things being equal iā€™d assume itā€™s a strain thing.

Iā€™m playing with a Lux meter app. Not sure how accurate it is but I figure itā€™s gotta be ballpark.

Agree - Currently running 8 strains 2 of them showing signs of too much light. The others taking and could prob take more.

Migro did some testing on lux meters. The Amazon models are pretty accurate it shows. And pretty reasonable pricing.

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The serrated leaf tips on my widows point straight up. Thatā€™s the first sign they were showing when it was time to level off

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Here is one side. I know itā€™s jammed and a bit un even. Lol.

Mostly looks like the one in rear left shows it most. Itā€™s a diff strain.

But I donā€™t have leaves pointing up. If anything itā€™s other direction. No tacos I can see. Maybe a bit hungry but by no means dry.

What kind of pots are you using?

Yeah, I may see where this is going haha.

Ill spare the story, but in plastic 3 gals. Last run was 5 gal fabric.

Space issue and was running to hunt phenos, which is why I went this route. Ill mention you on that thread.

You thinking more to do with that? Could be combo of running out of root space, not enough o2 (drilled some holes in them yesterday in hopes to help).