Hershy’s Soil Scrogs

@dbrn32 got you :nerd_face:

I didn’t… :wink:


whaaaaat? what is this dark magic?

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I may have lost it temporarily… :thinking:
It’s all a matter of meeting the criteria. :nerd_face:


must be a strict code, gotta read 600 new topics each day lol
now im curious what the criteria is for that, u probably gotta be active every day for at least a year.
in time, i too shall learn this witch craft sorcery


so i checked trichomes, as i do every morning.
i am surprised to find that after looking the exact same for about a week, all of a sudden this morning, she looks almost perfect for the chopping block.
i could prob chop her today or tomorrow.

i can finally say i will indeed be chopping her within the next two days, i kind of wanna see what they look like tomorrow first, than decide lol
it is so close to the spot i want her, i think just one more night would do her perfect justice…
tomorrow is the day, i think :crossed_fingers:


Those some big ole fat buds man!!


thanks, at first they got that big but were very airy. but right now they are boulders, could probably knock somebody out with one of these things, im super pumped to find out the weight on em


Gahhh leee :fire::fire:


Hopefully you get some nice half oz buds haha


I see :eyes: you posting everywhere tryna earn that badge :sunglasses:


It’s 90 out of last 100 days for level 3 and definitely rolling count. So you could technically be out one day and then back in a day or two.

There is something like 14 different data points. From how often you visit, amount of topics you’re active in, likes given/received, amount of flagged posts, and a few more.


damn skippy
i have to appreciate my man @dbrn32 for helping me out with the task i need to be focused on.
if i could somehow get a list of the requirements so i could continue to stay in the criteria necessary, that would be ideal. but for now, what i got is all i need and nonetheless more than highly appreciated all the same.

ah and with that post u just added, thats all i need to know, i keep up with that on a daily basis, i honestly cant remember the last time i wasnt reading through at least something or updating my own posts multiple times each day. thank you

oh an if i could just clarify, i believe i was referring to the leader role in that specific post, but im not even aiming for that, i got no where near the time i need to even consider something like that. i know my place lol but in due time my friend

Visits 98% (98 / 100 days) 90%
Topics Replied To ≥ 169 10
Topics Viewed 1294 360
Topics Viewed (all time) 2271 200
Posts Read 14889 1500
Posts Read (all time) 34337 500
Flagged Posts 0 max of 5
Users Who Flagged 0 max of 5
Likes Given 1402 10
Likes Received 2079 20
Likes Received: unique days 99 7
Likes Received: unique users 166 5
Silenced (last 6 months) 0 0
Suspended (last 6 months) 0 0

Aa long as you’re logged in 90% of days and not just camping out in one or two topics you should be fine. Even if you roll in and out occasionally doesn’t really mean anything. We try to treat everyone equally well whether they have been here a few weeks or several years.


are those my stats? or just the necessary stats for something specific, it doesnt really have any kind of indication as to what each number represents.
so is the left side current stats and the right side the necessary stats?
cuz if so, im blown away by how those current numbers are putting the requirements to such shame lol

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Yes, that is the layout. Like I said, it’s not that difficult to reach/maintain.


so are those ur stats or mine, i feel like they must be yours because i dont see what im missing if they were mine… but i dont have the title still


For Leader role, it has to be given manually by the higher ups…

Check this out if you’re interested:


Nope they are yours


i couldn’t possibly express my thanks enough for acquiring that and sharing all this information with me.
u said i need to be active in 360 topics. that must be a hidden requirement? the easter egg behind it all. lol


thank you as well kap, thanks for the tip. that will be the next thing i read as soon as i get back from the store.
i cant say i would expect to be able to meet any kind of criteria quite yet, as im not exactly very widely known or anything by any means. i will have to invest some more time before i go looking in to that, but now that i have that information at my disposal, i can slowly start the progress at least :muscle:

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