That’s what I did with my groves. Treat em exactly like jars but I don’t have to burp em, just leave em open for a while if I accidentally bagged too early (who am I kidding I have fully dried buds in 2 days I can’t slow dry to save my life - 30% RH max around here)
I’m doing ok about 61rh and mid 60 Temps in my closet.
What does this weedryer look like
Struck me to maybe check gf3 for rh this morning. The small stuff was 62 after n hour in the jar. Pulled it all out and weighed and jarred it. 68 grams. Some good citrus smell still w undertones of hay. Sticky still. Took one title one and ground up a morning bowl. Sitting here at work. High af. I’ll be home at lunch and check rh.
This is my goal when I do mine I tend to over dry before I jar I normally get it just above 50 and if I pull them down early I get 75 or 80 I rarely hit the 65 I’m aiming for. I want to get me one of the moisture testers that look like a stun gun I hear they work pretty good… but I’ve heard that before on many other things I’ve wasted money on
I live in the desert where the rh is around 15-20% I do try to get my numbers on point but I’m not gonna kill myself doing it so mine normally dry in 3-6 days depending on bud size and density
I got one but with a hygrometer I don’t use it. I tried to get it perfectly at 62 last time and went too far. I then had to put a piece of moist paper towel in to get a little moisture back in.
I live on the coast so humidity is an issue but I’m drying in the house stays stable compared to the garage. Otherwise referred to as the growatorium by my wife lol.
Not sure we are talking about the same thing this is what I’m talking about
Yep that’s it.
You have one and it doesn’t work?
Ur not buying a soil meter r u?? Them r garbage and do t read right.
No I put link up there of the one I’m talking about
I seen it. So far I have yet to have seen or heard someone say any good about moisture meters lol. A moisture meter is seen and everyone dawgs on them. Must not be any good at all. Lol.
I’ve seen a couple people talking about these and all are saying they work good if I’m not mistaken it was bobbydigital or myfriend but my memory is not so good lately
Sweet. Everytime I’ve seen someone talk about moisture meter it gets shot down quick lol. Always the same too they r not accurate at all. Maybe they came out with a good kind now. Idk. I won’t use one ever prolly getting off here for the day so I can figure out how I’m setting these rooms up to keep these clones. They r just too good to let go
I use one, and I love it. Dry the buds to 10-12% reading and bag them. Landed right on 63% RH.
I couldn’t remember who it was talking about them but I now think you are the guilty party @Newt