Grow info
Plant is afghan auto flower
Went into flower 8/1 ish
2x6 tent indoor with 450w LED full spectrum light and CFL light.
Growing in soil with added perlite
I didn’t transplant in time so it is still in a 1 gallon pot.
Using fox farm nutes
Great white
Silica blast
Black Magic cal-mag
2 fans moving air
6in exhaust fan
Temp stays around 83 degrees
Humidity near 40%
Any ideas on the spots and yellowing before it gets any worse?
Thank you for taking a look !
I did have a spider mite infestation a bit back. Dusted with diatomaceous earth.
Not sure if that’s the white. What is the best way for me to tell?
Here’s some closer pics
The 3rd pic are some leaves further down on the plant.
Thank you all
Hate to do too much at once. I think Calcium is part of it @HornHead
I just started the cal-mag additive 1.5 weeks ago after reading some posts on ILGM. I went very light trying not do anything to drastic or wrong in flower.
This was my first plant and didn’t know gallon was small. New plants will be transplanted into 3 gallons. @NavyVet420 and @Spiney_norman
is it too much moisture that causes the powdery mildew? What do you suggest?
I’m with @HornHead. From what I’m reading that strain has a 70-80 day flowering time, which probably means more like 90+ haha, so you’re only maybe halfway, or just past halfway or so. If I were you and you were me, I’d go ahead and carefully transplant to at least a 3 gallon, if not a 5 gallon. I feel like any harm you do to the roots when transplanting will be less than 3 or 4 more weeks in a 1 gallon container will do to them. That said, I’ve never grown autos, so I’m not sure how one would react to it. Perhaps treating for the WPM at the same time would minimize the stress, too. I’m not sure of the best course of action for that at this point, but you can wash any remaining mildew off at harvest.
@HornHead In reading I didn’t find a direct answer but I thought being In flower already I shouldn’t transplant but you think I’d be good to go ahead and transplant it into the 3 Gallon ? @elheffe702
That’s the way I see it. Maybe the roots will stretch out and you’ll get a lot more weight. Maybe it’ll shock the plant some, but I think it’ll be a net gain in the end. It’s also a chance to add/re-inoculate your microbes, maybe some superthrive or something similar. Every way I look at it, a bigger container would be a good thing in this case.
@HornHead I agree it is too small of a pot, even for an auto. 3 gallon is the minimum I’ve used for autoflower. @Garagegrow
I wouldn’t boost humidity You don’t want any pm or botrytis. Make sure the white is DE by wiping some white off with a damp cloth then watch those cleaned leaves. If it’s wpm on it, then it will return. If not, it’s surely DE. Good luck with her.