Help With my Babies; An unusual problem

Currently growing in RDWC. I have been growing for almost four weeks. I need help in getting my babies healthy. Any advice or comment is sincerely appreciated.

To elaborate: I have my first grow in a DWC setup, four sites, and I have tried to learn as much as possible in growing before I invested and started. First, a little about my stats and status:

This is week 3 since germination, and 11 days post placement in the DWC system. System is recirculating, on a chiller, and holds up to 22 gallons to the bottom of the net pots. They light is at 40% and 18 inches, as per manufacturer recommendations. Nutes - General Hydroponics - Flora micro @ 4.2ml per gallon, flora grow @ 2.8ml per gallon, and flora bloom @ 3ml per gallon. Water - Temp is held at 69 (nice) degrees and is allowed a three degree variation before chiller kicks on. Air - currently humidified to 65% humidity and is a consistent 80 degrees F. four small fans are gently moving area around the 5x5 tent. PH - Has been consistent between 6.2 and 6.0 for the duration of the grow. EC - currently .9 and has been as high as 1.1 PPM - Swings between 310-505

The plants were doing fantastic for quite a while. I moved them into the pots and they took off so fast! the first set of leaves was healthy and developed, and I did a weekly water change, and everything was fine for 48 hours, then I noticed a yellow tinge on the tips of the leaves. I double checked PH, EC, PPM, and light distance and power. I adjust PH down from 6.4 to 6.0. Two days later, a brown spot had developed on one of my plants, all 4 had a little droop to the leaves, and the rapid growth had stopped. The brown spot grew on the leaf (looks like a dead spot) and 3/4 plants now had what looked like bruises on the first set of leaves along with the yellowing. I did some reading and made a couple of assumptions. I was either over watering them (DWC so not enough bubbles and air gap) or the PH was wrong. I assumed it was over watering. I dropped the water level to 2" below the net pots (was at 1/2 inch) and got another air supply for the stones. The next day there had been no improvement, and a little progression of the yellowing and bruising. I also noticed one set of leaves was bending upward, like they were folded origami. I decided to reduce all possible stressors, and did the following:

-Reduced light intensity, increased light distance, reduced the possible temp swing of water to one degree, diluted nutrient solution, after adding CalMag (possible Calcium deficiency suspected by close friend), adjusted PH to 5.8, reduced humidity to 50%, and took photos of the plants.

SInce the changes, it has been 36 hours, and there has been no growth or severe progression in the malady. I dont know what this is, and I have looked at every available resource for diagnosing the issue; however, no one or two things really fits this.

I will post more pictures in the comments if requested or if they didnt make it to the link. I have dozens.

Further update. Today, one of the babies has the first 4 leaves now browned and going crispy. New growth unaffected.

Question: what is the TDS of your nutrient mix? At this point should be around 400 ppm in GH nutes. Are you running something like Hydroguard? How far below net pots is nutrient solution (should be 1 1/2 to 2" below with lots of air: should look like a rolling boil.

Silica needs to be part of your nutrient solution FYI.


Thank you for replying! I appreciate your time!

Currently, my nutrient solution is reading 385ppm. I am running hydroguard at recommended volume (2ml per gallon) and I neglected to mention that. The solution is currently 1.5" below the pots. I have attached a photo of the solution with aeration. I have not heard of silica being a part of the nutes. I am researching that now.

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All of that is on point, not exactly sure what your issue may be.

Silica should be added throughout the grow as it builds plant structure, helps to protect plant from disease and in flower the trichomes are composed primarily of silica: no silica and your THC production will be poor.


I will definitely invest in some silica ASAP. I understand that this is a strange issue, and it is never easy to troubleshoot anything via Forum. I do sincerely appreciate your time on this.

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What’s your ph?

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You using cal/mag (Gh calimagic)I didn’t see that in your lineup

Reduce ph to 5.8 treat spotting with cal/mag

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Tough to over water in hydro, you can cause damping issues on media which in turn will lead to trunk rot tho.

Also if your recirculating using a chiller stick to tops offs rather then full change puts, plants seem more stable that way

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I read along and I think I thought the same thing bob, I’m a newbie so I want to make sure…calmag was my thought…but he said he tried that…are you saying he needs to lower the ph so the calmag will uptake better?
Like maybe it didn’t help before because the ph was not optimal for sucking up cal and mag?,

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Pretty much exactly that, you will pick up some but once you change solution and throw your ph out the window you gotta expect some bad results.

You have to make sure you dose cal mag to all water and run light as low as possible until they fill out more

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So if I see(if I’m in soil) a particular problem that I beleive calls for a certain nutrient boost, I should ph the water that I’m using to give that particular nutrient to a ph that best suits that nutrients uptake.,this getting quicker and more effective results.
Then resume feeding at my normal ph(should it be slightly different than optimal for that ONE nutrient)

Lol…hope like hell you can make sense of that!:joy::joy:

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Nah hydro and soil are on 2 different ph settings.

Lowering to 5.8 puts them in range for hydro to take the most in

While soil is in high 6’s

I do not recommend messing with ph ranges other than what is recommended by method or manufactures of that product

Once set try to maintain stable conditions and you’ll be fine.


I sincerely apologize for the delay. It was my first day on the forum side of the site, and that caused me to max out the posting amount for the day. SO, here is an update and amplifying information, as well as the drama that transpired this morning:

As of @PharmerBob post asking about my PH at the time, it was 5.8 exactly. That was 36 hours ago. The Plants were dosed with foxfarms CalMag in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. To recap the stats as of 36 hours ago, they were:

PH - 5.8
PPM - 596
EC - 1.26
The supplements in the system were: General hydroponics Micro Grow, Bloom, and Grow in accordance with the week two proportions outlined in the manufacturers instructions; additionally, FoxFarm CalMag (bushmaster); Hydroguard; and some PH down to bring it all to 5.8.

That night I made a change to the plants positions within the net pots, thanks to the recommendation of @PharmerBob for that! I had the rockwool cubes far too low in the pots, and they were drenched. I now have them at the very top of the pots and much drier. I also added more expanded clay to the pots to support them and allow even more of an air gap.

I am still awaiting silica from amazon at the recommendation of @Myfriendis410 and will add when it arrives.


I woke up at 5 am (11 hours after CalMag) and the first thing I did was check on the plants. What I found was super gross. The tent smelled like a well established fresh water aquarium. For those of you who have not had an aquarium before, it is a smell like a pond that is clear and healthy. This is an indicator (in aquariums) that a healthy bacteria colony has established in the filter and tank, and has started breaking down nitrates into nitrites. That is a HUGE red flag for me…that means bacteria, and a lot. I had zero indication the night before I had anything in the reservoir that was harmful. Now I smell this. I look in the reservoir, and EVERYTHING is coated in a fine white slime, and the hoses to the chiller had spots of white growth inside the hoses. I immediately checked the PH of the water, and it had leapt to 7.5.

To recap that: 5.8 to 7.5 in 12 hours. I went from no growths at all, to a system crammed full of this white gunk in 12 hours.

I spent the time from 5am to 10 am breaking down the pumps, boiling, scrubbing, and soaking the whole system. I ran the system in HOT water for 20 min, scrubbed again, drained it, then warm water with 3ml H2O2 /L for 15 min. Then 5ml 90% Isoprophyl Alcohol / L for 15 min. Then two full system flushes at full operation. I then filled it, waited, added nute’s at a weak level (week one per General Hydroponics), only 2ml of Cal Mag (my city water report shows .0007ppm Magnesium), and PH adjusted back to 5.8. By the end of the day, the ph was down to 5.1, so bumped up to 5.8.

Things I know, Things I dont know, Things I suspect:

I know that cleaning slimy growth from your whole system at 5am, skipping work, and sanitizing truly sucks.
I know something was growing in there.
I know my plants were over saturated.
I know that my water was way out of whack for multiple hours with living plants.
I dont know what was growing.
I dont know the cause of all this mess.
I dont know what to do to avoid this in the future.
I suspect that the growth was bacterial in nature and was feeding on the nutes rapidly, resulting in a ph swing.
I suspect that I will have to continually dose with H2O2 to keep this bacteria out.
I suspect that the plants are recovering as evidenced by new root growth, perky leaves, and deeper color.
I suspect I will have to keep the nutes at 25-50% for another couple of weeks, or at least until I see 7 sets of leaves on each plant.

Any and all ideas and responses are sincerely appreciated.


Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

I might try lowering the chiller temp to 65F as it’s possible your solution is warmer inside the grow space and allowing some bacterial growth. The Hydroguard IS beneficial bacteria that is supposed to populate the nutrient solution and help prevent that very issue.

I would also make sure your Hydroguard is inside it’s expiration window.

I don’t see having higher salt content (stronger nutrient solution) will make any impact on your current issue.


Thank you so much for replying at all! There is no need to apologize. My system is currently set to 65 with a two degree variation on the chiller (dont want to stress the compressor). I did not see this message before getting to work, and will have to check the hydroguard expiration date when I get home. Now, a little bit of off topic here: would you recommend starting a grow journal? What online retailer would you recommend getting supplements from?

A journal is a great way to document your grow and use as a reference for future grows. Most of us have at least one going.

I’m currently using Jack’s 3-2-1 program and believe I ordered it from Jack’s.

If you want to start your journal with this thread, let me know and I can move it for you and change the name if you want.

I suppose it’s possible some harmful bacteria (pythium) took hold in the R.R.'s before you adjusted them in the net pots. Damping off and stem rot would be hard to control otherwise. You can’t really disinfect the hydroton with plants in it so basically you are changing the environmental conditions to retard bad bacterial growth.

Shit can happen fast in hydro. Let me tag my go to guy for hydro: @peachfuzz and see if he has any thoughts.


Is it safe for my to use H2O2 on living plant roots while they are in the pots? I didnt want to nuke my girls with anything, and didnt know if that would kill them. I have an excel spreadsheet with all of my grow data and notes, and I may migrate that onto the journal section of ILGM.
Side note: I am glad I started with gold leaf. If I had have picked a hard strain, I would have failed immediately.

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You can use a dilute mix: start with like 1/4 cup of 3% in a gallon of water. Peroxide is the hydro growers best friend for sure.