Help with Clones!

I’m using a Mars hydro led. Got a humidifier in the tent and conditions seem to be perfect.

Up above is the other plant I’m growing right next to it. These two looked identical when I picked them up. Now one looks like shit and the other is growing nice and steady.

I’m not too sure what’s going on tbh.

Get a dome on them to take some of the load off of the roots. You have transplant shock to some extent and newly rooted clones. Remove about 1/3 of fan leaves, leave new growth alone. Very likely to look worse before they look better. I would also suggest being on a 24/0 light schedule until they perk up.

Likely they are going to be fine.

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Yep exactly what @Myfriendis410 said, u can use a plastic bag for a dome. Cut the three big leaves that u cut the ends off, leave the top cluster, an any new growth. Read ur light manual for correct height placement. Since ur going to 24/7, does ur light have a dimmer, if so u can always dim it down a bit if it becomes a issue…told u we would get some people involved…:v::v::+1::+1::clap::clap::alien:

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They’re in a new home under new lights and they’re cowering in the corner or under a chair like a puppy haha. Give them the supportive care and they’ll perk up in a few. You can raise the light if you don’t have a dimmer which is a good idea.

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@AlienBrew @Myfriendis410 thanks guys.

I’m actually running an 18/6 schedule right now and one of the plants is doing great. Growing very fast.

Should I still switch it to a 24/0 schedule ?

And my light does have a dimmer. It’s at 50% right now. Seedling is recommended at 25% power, growth is 50% and then it says to go to 75-100% for the rest.

I have a humidifier should I run more humidity in there ?

I’m at an average of 64% Rh and 75.8 degrees in my grow tent.

Thank you guys for your help!!

Put a dome over it like I said.

That’s why I said it lol.

Yeah u can’t get hung up on putting them n together, they r still individual plants. N they’re going to do there own thing. Give’em the loving they deserve n they will reciprocate. You do know how to treat the ladies?? Listen to @Myfriendis410 he’s offering up some sound advice. :sunglasses::sunglasses::+1::+1: :alien:

Yeah I’ve grown a couple time but from seed. It was a roller coaster with this one plant but after watering it again last night, it finally bounced back over night.

Glad to hear it u’ll b puffin ur own soon enough. Once they sink them roots n deeper, they will take off. Best of luck to u, I’m sure u’ll have it going on n no time :+1::+1: :v::alien:

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@AlienBrew @Myfriendis410 @Drinkslinger

How are they looking guys?

This bottom picture is the one that was struggling at first.


Looking much happier. :+1:

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They look :eyes: like they could make some people jealous. Like me, well done my friend, ur well on ur way​:star_struck::star_struck::v::alien:

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Really nice set up. :alien:

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@AlienBrew @Drinkslinger appreciate it guys!!

Thanks for all the tips so far :pray:t4:

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Big bubbles no troubles, glad to help just like everyone n Mr Bergman’s wonderful world.