Whats a good way to help support limbs that are overweight in buds?
im trying this rope stuff but it’s not the best ya know.Get some 1/4” pvc and stake it.
Thanks for the recommendation my man.
Tight it up with string or sumthing else I had hard time to because of them bending all over that means your doing good job
Thanks brother.
Id suggest dowles tied to it but next time try and put more moving air or stress on stalk. They are tiny
I use bamboo stakes. Works great.
Use anything you can but use a wire to make a nice loop so she can stay sway around… motion is key to a talks develipment
I use the exact same yo-yos that @NTMAREMACH posted.
I would like to install some extra rails in my tent… I wonder if anyone makes an aftermarket rail system. Would provide more areas to hook the yo-yos up.
Excellent idea! I am going to look into those things.
What is the name of the product?
Update: Found them:
Order placed! Thanks, guys!
I use bamboo stakes with zip ties to create places to tie light weight items to. That might work for what you need. Easy to reconfigure as needed and cheap at local stores.
Excellent idea - thanks @merlin44.
You can get something like this which is very cheap and if you have the wood to screw these into can be places anywhere, top, sides to help train your plants. I use the sturdy garden wire to connect the yoyo.
I put those in the lids on my totes for securing branches when I LST. I was thinking of putting together some kind of light weight frame with 2x4s or the like for more mounting points in the tent… but then I started thinking about how I want to build out an actual finished space to grow in next year, so maybe I’ll just make do until then.
See this is why I come to you guys.