Last 3 pics are leaned over celeste. Best way to discribe it is like a sunflower… how they turn!So the story is germinated using wet paper towel method, placed in forever home 08/13, did not water her just mist her well,watered at 60ml on 08/27, water ph 6.6, RH 45-50% (some ppl say high,some ppl say low, last person said 50% was good) i dont test runoff bc i barely water her, soil ph 6.8-7, lighting 24/7(tried 18/6 but couldnt keep up due to working late so just went back to 24/7) shes in a closet in any empty room, ceiling fan on high but she cant feel that, closet fan blowing on her at low speeds, lighting 100w, Now this morning wen i went in there celeste was standing normally and was looking normal accept for the lime green on her tips, i had another seed like her in there both planted together just one in a solo cup that had still not sprouted so i took it out of there and leave to fill up the humidifier and wen i came back celeste looked like the last 3pics!! Any ideas? First time grower. Planted 2 seeds before rhis one that did not sprout so first time getting to this stage! Wen would i start with fertilizer? What is the best type? Should i be watering her more? (Have a tester for that to and it says shes dry+)
seedlings will do better with a higher humidity than 50%…65-70% is what I try to achieve…I also have a clear plastic cup that I place over the seedlings to keep the humidity high…you soil does look dry in the pictures
Yea @Aussie_autos its soil
And @Retiredoldguy it is definitely dry someone told me to only give her 60ml of water. Soil was not watered when she was placed in there
@Retiredoldguy was spot on. She doesn’t have roots yet so she gets what she needs from the humidity in your environment. Soil for planting a germed seed should be moist when you plant her. I only mist the inside of the dome and do not need to water for 2 weeks while she is domed and devoloping roots. I use 80% humidity with a heat mat at 82ºF. Proof is in the pudding.
Hey how are you with ur seedlings u can mix 2 mls of seaweed liquid into one litre of water and give that to ur plants over a few days it will help with root growth and development aswell as ur plant will grow faster
@Docnraq ,Thanks pal!!! Going to research him after work. I’m just now getting into that type of stuff. I’ve figured out how to make it grow now I want to know how and why it works. It’s been trail and error until I found y’all and YouTubers.