That crossed my mind also. Ph was definitely running thru my mind. I watered at ph 6.0, but not enough to soak the whole pot. I took some of the mix in a jar an used distilled water an mixed it up, strained it an ph was 5.5 of that an ppms were like 629. I put a tsp of dolomite lime on top of each pot an mixed it in the soil bout a inch or two, but I’m afraid to water it to runoff cause there so small still, an that would probably set the ph better then only watering around the plants roots, but I dont wanna overwater the shit outvif them yet. If the root mass was bigger I would flush, an reset the soil ph, but doin that now will definitely drown my ladies
I pulled a 4lb harvest with the same setup using coco last year with scrog 8ftx8ft trellis lol. But I had problems in the beginning of that too cause I used only coco an perlite an didnt feed enough in the start, but once they got bigger they took off once I got it all turned in, so this time I added ffof to the equation to try an give me a little safety net to get them goin in the beginning so I didnt mess it up like b4. But again, here I
Shoukd I maybe flush it with ph water to try an set the pot PH now, or do you think it will drown them?
To me it looks like heat stress or light stress
I though that also, my lights are like 4ft away right now lol. Room temp never gets above 80 degrees farenheit, an lights off temp is bout 69 degrees farenheit
Hmmm its a tricky one whats ur ph and ppm
I’m not really sure how to treat coco mixed with soil, but looking at plants would lean to agree with the others. Some things that stick out to me…
I always water in pretty well when transplanting.
Was the coco you used rinsed and buffered? Very critical in straight coco grow. Maybe not so much here, but runoff of 600’s suggests your mixture is light on the soil in comparison to the inert media.
When using Dolomite to help buffer ph, I usually go about 1-2 tbsp per gallon of pot size, then try to work into top layer of soil a little. And it usually takes a little time to see results.
It’s also very possible that everything you’re running here is fine and this is just suffering from transplant shock. If not, you’re probably going to have to swing more towards treating this like a coco grow, or towards treating it like a soil grow. I’m just not sure which.
That’s the issue I’m having, should I water to runoff now? I did not rinse the coco at all. Just mixed with ffof an perlite an transplanted them. That’s why I watered at ph6 cause its like ok for both I’m thinking, but could be wrong
I only watered it 3gal between 14plants, but was ph 6.0 an ppm of solution was 300 ish give or take a few points
I don’t specifically know that you need to water to runoff, but sounds like i would have given decent amount more than you did. Coco becomes hydrophobic pretty quickly, and perlite isn’t going to help. Its sounds like you are probably around 70% coco and perlite, which feels like it’s going to need watered or probably more like feeding a lot.
So maybe give each a gallon or a half gallon of half strength? An ph it at 6.0??
Great summary @dbrn32, even if I knew enough (which I don’t), I could not do a better job.
Different plants react differently to pH swings. Im willing to bet you wonked pH (6.0 is kinda low for soil but not crazy).
Also the boxes in the veins are a magnesium deficiency. At least a couple of days old, not overnight damage there. Over night the black boxes and the brown ones on the ‘fried’ leaf’ would have turned yellow first sapping what it needs from the leaf. If that much happened overnight, your lights are too intense or too close, as that is a TON of photosynthesizing being done.
Definitely too low. When you mix soil with coco, you’d do better treating the medium as soil. The coco is acting as more a ‘perlite type of amendment’ adding drainage.
This does seem like a small amount.
I wish I could tell you on ph. I usually ph coco to 5.8 and soil to between 6.2 and 6.5. Also not sure about how much water in your pots. I think just water good amount around base of root ball.
Aim for 6.5
I will definitely do that. I didnt lower my lights at all yet, there 4feet away from plants still. Last night I mixed 2gals at half strength of early veg nutes, I ph the solution to 6.1 this time. I picked 4 plants that looked bad, the other 10 look good so I left them alone, but I hit those 4 with half a gallon each of the veg nutes, I’m waiting till lights on to see what happened, few hours after I watered them an picked fried leaves off, the tops were praying towards the lights. Hopefully I get it right, so I should treat it as a soil grow??? The mix I used was about 3cuft of ffof, and half a bail of promix coco coir cc… an I added about 30% more coarse perlite. I added about a half cup of dolomite lime to top of each pot an worked it in… so I should ph all the watering to 6.5?? Or let it fluctuate between 6.0 and 6.5? How would you go about it?
You don’t still have the bale of Promix around, do you? Got a pic of the wrap? I’m just wondering:
A) how big a bale is in ft3
2) what other ingredients besides coco are in the mix
Its 3.8 cu ft . U see I used about half an about 1.5 cu ft of perlite, an 2 big bags of ffof. And that filled 14 5gal pots,
I just looked at the 4 I watered with 6.1 last night, they look like shit again, only those 4, other ten look good. I’m ready to jump off a bridge lmao. I will try watering them with tap water at 6.9 an pray it works, I added a 1/2 cup of coarse dolomite lime, but that takes 4ever to work i hear. Tested soil in distilled water, its ph is 5.5 ughhh help!!!
Were the bags of ffof 3 cubic foot each? They come in 12 qt, 1.5 cu ft, and 3 cu ft.
I’m pretty sure they were 1.5 , but I used 2, so it would be total of 3cu ft ffof an half of the 3.8 cu ft of promix cc so almost 2cu ft of that , an about 1.5 cu ft of perlite.