Help, my plant is down bad

this kit?


That’s the one
And don’t worry about the assembly, it’s a piece of cake from what I understand


Yep that kit. Codes DIY10 or DUDE should both get you 10% providing they’re still active.


You got it!


Wire stripper and screwdriver and you’re good. Assembling my 320XL (3 panels) took about 15 minutes, then a 5 minute call to tech support, and 2 minutes to fix what I screwed up and it’s been going gangbusters ever since.

A one panel version would probably take about 5 minutes total (just assemble board to heat sink, power supply to heat sink, then connect power to power supply, output to panel).

There’s good youtube videos showing this. Don’t be afraid of the ‘kit’.


Can you tell me which model driver you’ve got for your 3 panel? I went with the 260xl but it feels so goofy with an empty space. :rofl: I’m contemplating adding a third one purely for aesthetics, but I know I need a new driver to do that.

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Lights-out for tonight, but I’ll look tomorrow. @Graysin


okay, thanks. one more question, can you pls recommend to a solution to my lack of oxygen issue, I can do ice in a zip lock to cool the reservoir but which air pump would you suggest

I’ve got a 8 plug Active Aqua Hydro farm Active Aqua Air Pump but it’s like A LOT in terms of space to fill. They have 1, 2, and 4 connection models as well and frankly the 2 is like $20, which isn’t bad. I think my local guys sell EcoPlus air pumps and the owner very confidently assured me the other day that they won’t sell you garbage because they don’t stock garbage products. So the ecoplus must be decent, and it’s also cheap.

The real thing to be thinking about is how many air stones you can fit into your reservoir - more is always better.



my air pump has one hole. with a 4 inch airstone it would double my oxygen output right? I’m trying to figure out if I need a air pump with more connections or if I just need to get a bigger airstone

yes I defintely don’t have much space, the reservoir is only a little over a gallon, like 1.5 gallon max

Better question for @peachfuzz or @HappyHydroGrower


Those are the same stones I’ve got. Used a barbed T connection and stuffed two into each reservoir. I have about 8 of those stones, 2 are less than optimal and 1 is a dud. But I agree with @dbrn32 - the folks he tagged are much more experienced than I am.



Woohoo! Looking good. Heads up from personal experience, that TDS meter will work but mine started giving me faulty readings after about two weeks. I’ve read some people just recalibrate it often (no clue how) - I just went ahead and replaced it when I was able to afford a better one. Apera is a good brand, that’s the same PH meter I almost got for myself! (I was able to buy one locally and the Apera wasn’t gonna show up for like a week lol)

PS I’m out of “Like”s so here’s a :sparkling_heart: haha


you are awesome! I’m going to keep that in mind about the tds meter, I am so excited to restart. this time with a plan lol and all the advice in the thread :heart::blue_heart: I still have to get hydroguard but I’m superrr ready to dive right back in lol :laughing:

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I found a cheaper off brand option comparable to the qb 135 kit,

Keep in mind that it’s cheaper for a reason, not the same LEDs (LM281B vs LM301H that you would get with HLG), not the same driver quailty, not the same quality heatsink (cheap one will be much hotter), and dealing with a chinese company when/if you have problems with it. A world of difference in quality.


I notice you are doing a lot of buying of equipment, which is good, but the concerns I have is with the size of your grow box.

Two plants in there is gonna make it awful crowded.

There was a person within the last year that had about the same size box and I believe he made it work but struggled a lot with it the whole time, with one plant.

Is there any way you can get a tent? Even if it were a 2’ x 2’ x 4’, that would open up some new option.

This is a very addictive hobby and you’ll only want to do better, get bigger, and grow more.

If a tent is not an option, I would go with

I bought these air stones for my grow this go round and love them. They put out more air than the 2”x4” air stones.”%2Bround%2Bair%2Bstones&qid=1629746028&sr=8-16&th=1&psc=1

You could go with bigger pumps and different stones but I think the biggest challenge is going to be the size of your box and the temp of your water. We are here to help any way we can. Hope this helps. Good luck! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:


thank you, thank you, thank you!!! eventually expansion would be awesome but for now, im going to restart with just one seed, I’ve wasted too many so far lol I appreciate all the great advice and will keep the thread updated on how it’s going!! thank you everyone :heartbeat: