Hey guys I need some help. I had some family over and somehow my light timer was disengaged so my lights never turned off (I think one of the kids snuck into the back room). I have lights on from 9pm to 9am. At 1 PM (4 hours after they should have shut off) I found that they were still running. The fan has a different timer so the fans were off the whole time too and it got up to 120 degrees.
I need my light photo period to run from 9pm to 9am so what is the best method to get back to that? Should I leave it dark all the way until 9pm tomorrow or should I leave it in 13 hours dark and 11 light every day until I get it back to 9pm?
I feel like leaving it dark until tomorrow would add more stress but I don’t actually know what the best course of action would be.
Also what kinda damage should I expect? I know there is a high chance of hermaphrodites but could the heat have caused some real physical damage?
Yikes 120° wow! I would just go back on their natural hours the 9-9. Assuming you are in flower thats your biggest problem. Possibility of herme. Never had to deal with heat at such an extreme. Maybe @Myfriendis410 & or @dbrn32 have more insight. Good luck my friend. Watch for nanners & Happy Growing!
I would just reset it to run as you had it. The heat can cause damage, hopefully wasn’t for long enough to do much. Also, I would consider running your exhaust all the time.
You’re probably fine just resetting but I would probably (if it were mine) run the last two hours of tonight’s schedule. So: lights come ON at 0700 and OFF at 0900. THEN go back to 12/12. I believe that would cause the least stress.
I would just leave the light off till 9 am and start all over. I’ve had the same thing happen and everything with fine, but you never now. Should be ok. just have to wait and see.
I had a similar situation a year or so, I just went back to the regular routine. Everything turned out fine as far my harvest went. With one exception, my SSH had hermied and I got a ton of seed. The smoke was still pleasant and the buzz very appealing. So you shouldn’t have any issue and may end up with a bonus!