They look so pitiful and i feel freaking horrible but im tryi g to keep them from sustaining any further damage .
That’s perfect for soil. The hydro needs to be in the high 5’s. They’ll take some time to recover
Gotcha. Ok ill adjust right after i watch a show with my wife. Lol
I owe her that much because when i was freaking out this morning she asked what was wrong and i told her and SHE actually said " Go get the pens you need and the stuff you need so you dont watch all your hard work go to shit …and screw those cheap 1s you have coming from amazon ". Totally blew my mind. Its things like that that say i love you ! Greatest woman i couldve ever been blessed with !
Well i adjusted the ph to 5.6 for the dwc . So we shall see . Thanks a ton to all of you guys for helpi g me today . You saved my ass and my girls asses too . You guys are the real mvg’s (most valuable growers)
Great choice
That is what I roll with but I use vinegar and baking soda but the ph up and ph down are great!
Take it easy they don’t look that bad
You will see once you dial in your pH you will be fine
Good job so far
Good thing is that it does not appear that any permanent damage has been done to your foliage they should bounce back
Your hydro will bounce back faster than your soil but both still look okay considering
Happy growing
Now these
These look rough
I have done several grows and this happened
They got a bit stressed and under watered but I will shoot ya pics in a week or so and they won’t even look like the same plants
It happens
Good thing is you are staying on top of your grow and doing it right with the right equipment and the right care for your plants
And happy growing
Hey @Growit. Thanks man . Yeah ive put alot into this and dont want to kill any plants if i can help how old are your plants in these pics ? It seems they have someone who care about them the way i care and everyone else cares about theirs so they will make it !
Well they are atleast still standing today lol. @merlin44 @DoobieNoobie @BobbyDigital @Oldguy @Drinkslinger and whoever else i forgot . I apologize . Long night .
About two weeks old
Nice . They are going to be some monsters !
So i phd my water to 6.5 including nutrients today and tested the runoff afterward and it was 6.4 ph …is that where i should be for runoff ?
That’s great. You want it close to 6.5 so you’re good.
yes you must hydrate
think of the green rewards that will be heading your way.
Thanks @James68. I did hydrate her. Too much money invested to screw this up . Especially when its a tool that you use more than anything else . You dont cut corners when it comes to these girls !
So when you stunt a plant hard or get root lock out it may take up to a week to notice them, visually, improving. Yes the dwc /hydro will bounce back faster than soil grows.
Just be patient and focus on the details