I know I’m doing something wrong 2 of my 4 plants look like this when I checked on them this morning . Gave very little nutes this past Saturday. Water is smart water with a ph of 6.7 already. Soil is ff happy frog and the other is hydro dwc. Any help would be massively appreciated!
This is them @nicky
I am no expert at problem diagnosis but this looks to me like Potassium deficiency, likely brought on by pH being too high. You stated your pH is 6.7 which is near the high end of the proper range for soil but way too high for hydro. Be sure to check the calibration on your pH pen.
Thanks . My ph pen is on the way along with my ppm pen . Yeah my hydro setup is only regular tap water. I only water once a week when dry. Thank you very much for the scale pic and the advice. All is very much appreciated!
@DoobieNoobie @BobbyDigital @Drinkslinger any of you guys have a clue as to what I’m dealing with? Woke up to this …this morning ?
Agree with @merlin44. Your PH is too high for soil and you’re nearly 100x more alkaline than you should be in hydro.
So should I flush with just pure tap water and from here on out ph down the smart water ?
@BobbyDigital my hydro setup is just tap water no smart water at all. Just 1/3 strength of recommended nutes in all plants this past Saturday .
Get the pH sorted out first.
your tap water may be even higher than 6.7. It’s likely above 7. Hydro plants uptake nutrients at 5.5-6.1. If you’re up near 7 the roots cannot take up nutrients. Here’s a chart where you should be for proper nutrient uptake. Hydro on the left, soil on the right.
Yep the others got you. Ph is quite often the culprit. When the ph is out of range the plant can’t absorb certain nutrients. In this case I think it’s the micro nutrients iron, boron, and molybdenum. Getting ph back in correct ranges for them should self correct in a few days. Pay attention to the difference in range for soil and hydro in the chart above.
“Smart Water” may start at pH 6.7 but when you add ANYTHING to the water, the pH will likely be changed and you will need to adjust your Ph to the proper range. I only mention this because you stated that you added a small amount of nutrients to the water this past weekend. The nutrient solution pH was not likely to be 6.7.
I can tell you that the biggest error that I made starting out (15 months ago) was not paying close attention to pH. Nearly killed my first plants several times with pH out of range.
Thanks everyone . I’m going to get my ph in line and hopefully that will fix the problem . I’ll keep you guys posted.
I use tap water which I aerate and warm to 70 F then add nutrients as needed and ALWAYS adjust pH to the correct value. The runoff pH for soil should be 6.5. If my runoff pH is lower or higher than 6.5, I adjust my water/nutrients to a value higher or lower than 6.5 to push the pH back into compliance.
Many folks lean toward RO or bottled water but I have seen no need in my area.
I forgot to mention that my tap water is pH 7.8 - 8.2. Not even close out of the tap but works just fine after pH adjustment.
I’m at the grow shop now . Am not waiting on my Amazon ph pens to come in ! Recommendations are welcome .
My pH pen is particularly spendy so not much help.
Any good quality pH pen is fine, less than $30 would be of concern to me. Others will have good specific recommendations.
@Covertgrower @MattyBear @DoobieNoobie @BobbyDigital @Drinkslinger
Apera Instruments makes a great one. Bluelabs of course but they are pricey. Spend as much as possible and don’t forget: 7.0 Standard Reference Solution, PH UP and DOWN, calibration solution.
This is what I use:
Plus I have a Blue Labs soil pH pen as well.
You can certainly get a very serviceable device for much less money.
I use the apera p20