Help grow 2 new problems

Runoff is an important part of any grow when that runoff discharges it takes with it salts,wastes released by the roots. If you check ec or ppms you will never get an accurate reading with that salt discharge effecting the results. Just something to be aware of plant looks better

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On my first grow i did the whole run off thing and got me no where. Have the reader, but i got proper organic soil so I shouldn’t need to. Using biobizz system. On the site it says “ biobizz is also rich in calcium/ Magnesium, so no need to get an extra product for that. Do not water till run-off anymore, they only thing you are doing when you water till run –off is flushing our nutrients that should stay in the pot.” Soil monitor just gonig to leave in so I don’t underwater has ph meter reading 7 :woman_shrugging:t4: