HELP! Fan Leaves turning brown and dry

I just hang mine. I don’t do anything special. I like mine a dry as possible. That’s just me. I do take them down and jar them up after a while. I do the squeeze test. I’ll just crack the jars every so often

I wet trim and if you’re jarring just fill 3/4 or maybe 2/3 to leave an air gap :heart_eyes:

My first 4 days the RH was steady around 64- 68% and the last 6 days have been 51- 55%. It’s hard to try squeeze the flowers as they are very airy and light. The smaller stems do snap somewhat so I stopped halfway and will give the rest another day.

I will work with the jars at 3/4 full and see what kind of total yield I end with. I snapped a quick photo of one bud that I was pretty proud of, she came in at 7 grams and I could feel the weight compared to the others. I’m just pleased that I ended up with some decent looking bud regardless of the yield. Looking forward to see how it smokes next.

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It sounds like you should be ok to start putting it into jars. I have been going from my dry box 5-7 days, then into a 10 litre airtight tub for a week or two so that I can monitor the RH and make sure it is stable before jars.
I use 1 gallon jars ad get about 3 ounces dry to each jar.
So far, I have only dry trimmed (very roughly) and found it quite good. When the Lemon Skunk finishhes I’ll probably try a wet trim on her… undecided. :+1: :sunglasses:

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Went ahead and put them in jars 84 hours or so ago, rolling the jars and opening them several times a day. At first they did stick a lot so I left the lids off for a couple hours at a time until they didn’t stick anymore. Today Rh has been stable at 61% so I added a Rh pack to each. First pic is at a full oz but will be pulling from this one soon to sample the smoke finally.

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