HELP! 911! SOS! Bad things. Advice. Should I kill it?

Powdery mildew is spreading through my plant like crazy idk what to do in thinking about just cutting my losses


It’s been getting worse and worse I keep cutting stuff off it keeps coming back more

Is what you’re seeing greasy or powdery, all I see are trichs frosting up.

Lots of answers here


That’s what I thought too! If that’s mildew I’m screwed.


Looks like they’re getting “frosty”. That’s a good thing


I just see frosty buds. :thinking:


Also I don’t know if you have just watered in those pictures but be careful leaving water in your saucers as it can cause root rot and pest problems.

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Just watered. I leave house 5am don’t return till 5pm so lots happens lol.

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All gravy, I would read up on that post about wpm for sure if you haven’t. I have not personally dealt with it but unfortunately so I would hate to steer you in the wrong direction with have assed knowledge.

Again inwould try and rub it to see if it’s greasy, sticky or powdery. You are right that does look pretty suspect…

Thanks appreciate that. I’m trying these amino acids supposedly helps fight wpm so that’s what I just watered with a nutes and aminos that’s why my pans where full. My lights are gonna turn Out soon so it’s like a rush cutting all the wpm off the plant watering empty the pans and clean the floor of the tent shut it down. Sometimes light turns off while I’m cleaning still. Scary. If it continues to spread I’m gonna say lesson learned and throw it away I’m not smoking it if it’s got mildew no matter how frosty

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I dont blame you one bit about throwing it out as a lesson learned. Your health is way more important!!

It’s pm bro no doubt. It’s powdery and I can see like the dust fall off the leaf when I pull it off or cut it off. I think the buds even have it to be honest. I think the plants donski :pleading_face:

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For what it’s worth I’m with everyone else, looks frosty.
Edit: If it’s mildew that sucks.

It’s starting to not even smell the same terps anymore. It went from skittles to like smelling like wet outdoor bag seed :man_facepalming:

Damn… I’m sorry to hear that

My other plant has no signs of it tho knock on wood it stays that way.

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