Hey guys, I’m Dave , new guy here. I have been smoking for years, started growing recently. Had a little experimental dwc system i made that i finally got some good bud out of, so now i am starting with a new system. I saw a all in one dwc on amazon, so i kind of recreated it. 15 gallon plastic tote, 3 net bags on the top, port for changing water/etc. two air pumps running airstones, general hydroponics schedule. Lighttunnel led 300watt unit, space heater if it gets cold, and a mylar tenting material to reflect inwards and amplify the light. Hoping to get some good yield and i’m sure i’m gonna have lots of questions for ya’ll!
Welcome to ilgm there are lots of great people here to help
Welcome to the group. We are all involved with the hobby. We all have our own ideas to grow the best we can. Lots of great advice here.
Hello @brazosdave
Welcome and enjoy your time here on ILGM forum
Great knowledge for you to pick up on
Happy growing
Welcome @brazosdave!
Welcome @brazosdave hope you’re creation works out well keep us posted
hello to you @brazosdave there is a motley crew of excellent growers here… take your coat off and stay awhile!
Hey welcome to the best grow support forum on the net. Hope you have a good grow
Welcome to best forum in the world…
Welcome to the family of ILGM
as you can see there is no shortage on help So fire away
Good evening everyone, I am a studentt at Mount waschusett community college studying Complementary and alternative medicine. I myself do not smoke at this time. But was hoping to get some questions ansered.
Hi @tammyjo how can I be of some assistance
I was learning about the thc or the delta 9 it is called and the other chemical that is in the plant is called cbd? t Do you know anything about this? I have to do a 10 min. presentation on medical marijunan.Just trying to get anything I can get my hands on.
Cbd is a process of thc degrading this along with the delta 9 thcva or thcv make this compound when they reach a certain heat. I will get you some more information. It will take like 2 minutes
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Natural compounds of the cannabis plant are also referred to as phytocannabinoids of which d-9-THC is the main psychoactive ingredient and has been widely researched both in animals and humans.
It characteristically produces, in a dose-dependent manner, hypoactivity, hypothermia, spatial and verbal short-term memory impairment [Hayakawa et al. 2007]. However, the second major compound, CBD, does not affect locomotor activity, body temperature or memory on its own. However, higher doses of CBD can potentiate the lower doses of d-9-THC by enhancing the level of CB1R expression in the hippocampus and hypothalamus.
The authors suggest that CBD potentiates the pharmacological effects of d-9-THC via a CB1R-dependent mechanism [Hayakawa et al. 2007].
The available research indicates that the main two compounds, d-9-THC and CBD, whilst having similar effects in certain domains, also have almost opposite effects to one another in other aspects [Carlini et al. 1974; Borgwardt et al. 2008; Fusar-Poli et al. 2009; Morrison et al. 2009; Bhattacharyya et al. 2009b; Winton-Brown et al. 2011]. Table 1 summarizes the varying effects of these two compounds.
In fact the different and opposing effects of the main two compounds of the plant were noticed in some early studies. In a double-blind study with 40 healthy volunteers, Karniol and colleagues orally administered d-9-THC and CBD and the mixtures of the two together, whilst pulse rate, time production tasks and psychological reactions were measured [Karniol et al. 1974]. Whilst d-9-THC alone increased pulse rate, disturbed time tasks and induced strong psychological reactions in the subjects, CBD alone provoked no such effects. However, CBD was efficient in blocking most of the effects of d-9-THC when both drugs were given together. CBD also decreased the anxiety component of d-9-THC effects in such a way that the subjects reported more pleasurable effects.
Most recently there have been a number of drug challenge studies with sound methodologies examining the effects of both of these compounds.
Our group carried out a number of double-blind, pseudo-randomized studies on healthy volunteers who had previous minimal exposure to cannabis. All participants were administered 10 mg of d-9-THC, 600 mg of CBD and placebo (flour) in three different functional magnetic resonance imaging sessions while performing a response inhibition task, a verbal memory task, an emotional task (viewing fearful faces) and an auditory and visual sensory processing task. The overall concluding results showed that d-9-THC and CBD had different behavioural effects and also, at times, opposing brain activation in various regions [Borgwardt et al. 2008; Fusar-Poli et al. 2009; Bhattacharyya et al. 2009b; Winton-Brown et al. 2011]. D-9-THC caused transient psychotic symptoms and increased the levels of anxiety, intoxication and sedation, whilst CBD had no significant effect on behaviour or these parameters.
In relation to the imaging data, during the response inhibition task, relative to placebo, d-9-THC attenuated the engagement of brain regions that normally mediate response inhibition, whilst CBD modulated activity in regions not implicated with this task [Borgwardt et al. 2008]. During the verbal learning and retrieval of word pair tasks, d-9-THC modulated activity in mediotemporal and ventrostriatal regions, whilst CBD had no such effect [Bhattacharyya et al. 2009b]. During an emotional processing task d-9-THC and CBD had clearly distinct effects on the neural, electrodermal and symptomatic response to fearful faces [Fusar-Poli et al. 2009].
Our results suggest that the effects of CBD on activation in limbic and paralimbic regions may contribute to its ability to reduce autonomic arousal and subjective anxiety, whereas the anxiogenic effects of d-9-THC may be related to effects in other brain regions. During the auditory task, again these two compounds had opposite effects in the superior temporal cortex when subjects listened to speech and in the occipital cortex during visual processing [Winton-Brown et al. 2011].
Our group also assessed whether pretreatment with CBD could prevent the acute psychotic symptoms induced by d-9-THC when six healthy volunteers were administered d-9-THC intravenously on two occasions, after placebo or CBD pretreatment [Bhattacharyya et al. 2010]. We found that pretreatment with CBD prevented the transient psychotic symptoms induced by d-9-THC.
Both animal and human studies indicate that CBD has anxiolytic properties. In fact in a recent double-blind study carried out on patients with generalized social anxiety disorder, it was found that relative to placebo, CBD significantly reduced subjective anxiety and its effect was related to its activity on limbic and paralimbic areas as shown by single photon emission computed tomography [Crippa et al. 2011].
CBD has also been proposed to have antipsychotic effects and is considered a potential antipsychotic medicine, particularly due its relatively low side-effect profile [Zuardi et al. 1995]. Furthermore, it is also being developed as a possible ‘medicine’ for various other conditions, such as inflammation, diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases [Izzo et al. 2009].
CBD is not the only compound which shows different effects to its main ingredient d-9-THC, a partial CB1R agonist. Another interesting compound of the plant, d-9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (d-9-THCV), a novel CB1R antagonist, also exerts potentially useful actions in the treatment of epilepsy and obesity [Pertwee, 2008; Izzo et al. 2009].
A review of this compound, along with d-9-THC and CBD by Pertwee suggests that plant extractions of d-9-THCV produces its antiobesity effects more by increasing energy expenditure than by reducing food intake.
A medicine such as d-9-THCV, by simultaneously blocking CB1Rs and activating CB2Rs, may have potential for the management of disorders such as chronic liver disease and obesity, particularly when these are associated with inflammation.
@tammyjo this should help with your presentation, I wish the best of luck do a great job
THANKS, _ was just wondering is there marijuana that does not make feel so sleepy? If so what is It.I am thinking about getting of my opiates and using marijuana instead. My doctor said I can do one or the other,but I am a little nervous about the change and the expese(unless I grow which I can kill a catucs)_
Yes you have sativa, indica and hybrids. Sativa strains take much longer to flower but are good for day use. Sativas will take 12/24 weeks to flower depending on mostly or pure sativa.
Than you have the indica plants, these plants are good for night time, but are short flower times usually of times from 6-9 weeks if pure indica. Than you have the hybrids, the hybrids will resemble both indica and sativa genetics and will have some what of both highs usually being stronger in one or the other, some times the buzz is equal and you Get both effects such as 50/50.
Than just for a tip autoflowers are made of ruderalis traits originating in the Alaska ranges, these plants are used for basically fast turn around, and are easy to grow. They will flower by them selves when sexually mature and no matter the light cycle as to a photoperiods they are triggered manually by the grower hope this helps @tammyjo
Thank-You for your time. I hope I can communicate with you again if need so.
Absolutely you may any time im here all the time every day, to reach me faster add an @ symbol in front of my name and ill show up in no time, its my pleasure and any questions you have feel free to ask and ill be happy to help guide you @tammyjo