Hi All! I have been on hiatus for about 4 years and have finally started getting back into growing. I also used to have a membership to the Bergman’s Lab Access Only Support forums…Is that gone? I lost all my old posts? Is this the only place now? Looking forward to growing with you all again!
Welcome back! I am not sure about the lab access. I will tag someone that might be able to help. @MeEasy
Thanks @Fitme!
I started a grow room back in 2018 and left it almost finished…Life and all lol. I should be finalizing my hydro grow setup in the next several weeks and hoping to have some of my old seeds (4+ year old ILGM ones) germinating by months end lol. I kept them dry and cool so should have a decent success rate!
Oh yea, the seeds if kept cool and dry and are resilient as the plants. I will follow along on your journey.
Welcome back home brother…please share your grows and happy growing
The old Bergman’s Lab as you know it, basically shutdown. They started a category here called Bergman’s Lab, but it’s not the same, can’t DM other members. If you look at the right hand top of the page you will see the 3 grey bar’s, click on that and you will see categories. Click where it says categories 66 and then scroll to the bottom, you’ll see Bergman’s Lab members only. Everyone else is locked out, except members of the old lab. Someone from the old lab started a private forum and invited everybody that was members to join the private forum. There’s not much activity here on new category. Here’s a link to new category “Bergman’s Lab”
Ahhh… Bummer. I don’t have access to that place so I guess I was gone too long to get one of those invites. No biggie I guess especially if it’s got not much activity. Onward