Hey! Good on you for re-checking your conversation! We’re all a bunch of stoners so it’s good to shortstop each other haha!
I’m surely a stoner and am man enough to admit when I was wrong …hopefully I dont have to deal with that with my new project garrigan check out my thread broski got a 9.5 x 9.5 and an investor gonna be awesome I’m so happy bout it hes expecting about 3grand in lighting building 4 600+ watt sammy lights in quadrants for a larger scale perpetual
…already closing off 2 x 9.5 for the veg space started construction yesterday will be going up twice a week to work and check on shit doing short veg sog …come shack it out all the details over there …I’d like your 2 cents on air flow and air exchange and carbon filter cuz dudes alil paranoid lol
@Myfriendis410 man I looked so hard I damn near re read my whole thread again lol I would if swore that’s what he said or I wouldn’t if done it… I might have spread misinformation to some but hey mild allergic reaction isn’t to bad … strang how its it’s such ca close atom to a cannabinoid
Thanks everyone for your replies. I did figure out how to get rid of them in my grow tents. I had success with neem oil in veg killing the spider mites but it would not kill the Aphids. I also used a bottle of Insecticide soap. Both the soap and the Neem oil seemed to have killed the aphids but they came right back. Now Im flowering and didn’t want to spray anything so I started managing them wit scotch tape which would take a while. I invested in ladybugs and let about 150 go in my tent. I never say another aphid.
I just did a 50/50 spray of peroxide and water, water 24 hours and hit it with captain jacks, iam at almost 11 weeks on autos, did Saturday and Sunday , plants are doing great