Having no luck germinating my seeds

Hi hope someone can help
I tried germinating 4 of my seeds in a glass of water in a dark cupboard.
Took about 7 days for a root to form
I then put them in a jiffy pellet the ones you have to soak first.
Put on a seed mat at 24deg and put under a led coloured light 24/7
They are in a grow tent as it is winter here
After 2 weeks nothing has happened I took the seeds out and had a look no go
I lightly sprayed with water twice a day
Clearly I have done something wrong can anyone help please as there’s so much confusing information out there and I don’t want to ruin my other seeds
Thanks in advance


What kind of soil do you have? Do you have solo cups, and what type of lights?


Welcome to the community ! I drop my seeds in a cup of water for 24 hours after that I remove and put in a damp paper towel folded over the seeds clamshell between two saucers . They should sprout in a couple of days in the paper towel method.


Your not alone! I have also had terrible time with seed this year only 12 plants out of 60 seed of different kinds! Think they are old seeds! Sent me replacement seeds that won’t sprout either!

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I soak my seeds in glass of water for maybe 15-24 hours in the dark.
After that, I put them right into a pellet or rapid rooter, in the dark, on a heat mat till they break ground, then straight under the light.

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I am fairly new as well, but so far I have 100% success rate. The first batch I did with the soaking in water, then I switched to the paper towel method a friend suggested. For me, they sprout much quicker than dunking in water, and it is simple. Borrow a small kitchen plate from your wife without telling her, put a folded paper towel, add water, drop seed, fold towel over seed, add a bit more water and hide in a drawer in my study. Keep moist, and I usually seed tap roots after 24 -30 hours.

Thanks for your help

Wet paper towel, placed in zip lock, placed between two saucers, on top of my grow light (not blocking the inlets). Open the zip lock twice daily and spritz only if needed. If the seeds are old the shells are harder for water to penetrate, I pinched my old seeds after 4 days (I have plenty to spare) in the paper towel to just crack the shell at it’s seam and then two days afterwards they had roots popping out. What works for me may not work for others.

Thanks for your help

Hi I had them in those pellets you soak jiffy I think
Just a coloured led light very small but I have purchased on of the mars 1500 lights for when they sprout .i have them in a grow tent but it’s our winter so thought I would need some heat