Harvest time. First grow results!

Hi everyone, this is my first grow from some regular seeds of unknown strain given to me by a friend, but these leaves look like sativa with purple tints in buds. Its a closet grow started on 18th oct 2018. This plant was vegged for 2 months with a 50watt CFL and a cheap DIY LED (cool white color). After switching the light cycle to 12/12 i replaced it with a DIY 100Watt warm colour COB light. At the time of writing this my plant has finished its 9th week of flowering. Its giving me a very beautiful smell, like pure hashish. Fed it with kitchen waste compost, chicken manure, bat guano tea and Worm poop. I had some issues with soil structure, air circulation and light intensity which caused my buds to grow small and somewhat fluffy but thats ok since its first time so i am learning. I have checked the trichomes with a magnifying glass and an iPhone camera, most of them are milky some are still clear but none of them are turning amber even Its the end of week 9. I think am gonna turn off the lights for 24 hours and chop it down anyway or Should i give it another week ? What do you think about my first grow. Would love to hear your feedback guys. Much love. peace :v:t3:


I think that you are doing a fine job.

Don’t get too anxious about harvest, wait until all or nearly all trichomes have turned cloudy. They normally put on a lot of weight and get much denser during that last week.

Getting all wound up and cutting too soon was one of my many first grow errors. Each grow (I just started my fifth grow, third from seed), I have learned to be a bit more patient. That patience is paying off.


Judging by all the white pistols you’ve got, I’d say you have at least another 2 weeks.


get a pocket microscope, u need 60-100x magnification to really see the trich’s.!
if u wait until 10-15% of the trich’s r amber she is at her peak weight and quality.!!

like Merlin said… be patient, 10-12 wks of 12/12 is not uncommon for an indica.!
sativas can go 12-18 wks.


Haha it’s like watching paint dry.
My patience level is getting better but needs to be better. Maybe I’ll just go have a smoke :dash:.
My last White Widow grow I should have waited one or two weeks more but all I could think of was “That Bud is for me”. It turned out well but could have been so much better.
Good luck. :+1:t2:


Thanks merlin, I am not anxious, sure i can wait a week or two if thats what i am supposed to do. You are correct i should be a little more patient. thanks

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Yeah man, i think i am going to wait. thanks

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Yup, I think i need to get a better microscope now. sure i will wait for trichomes to start changing color and then harvest.


Hahah, yes that is very true, its hard to wait at this stage, but i have good patience, i have no problem waiting a few more weeks, i just want my first bud to be as good as possible. really excited.


I think you’ve gotten solid info from the other members. I would continue with lights and monitoring.